Facilitator to deliver a training on "Monitoring and Evaluation"

Requires a Cover Letter?: 
Application Submissions Guideline: 

In order to apply to this consultancy, please send the following documents:

  • Your updated CV
  • Technical Offer 
  • A cover letter of not more than 2 pages describing how you meet the requirements and outlining your approach to the assignment
  • Examples of previous similar assignments

To: [email protected] cc'ing [email protected]

Contact Person Name: 
Nassam Dgheim
Contact Person Email: 

Project aim

SIDC is a Lebanese Non-profit civil society organisation established in 1987 and officially registered 9/AD in 1992. SIDC meaningfully engages vulnerable populations, to promote their health and wellbeing pertaining to HIV, Harm reduction, SRHR, and mental health, to support them in enjoying their human and gender rights, and to work towards an inclusive society free of stigma and discrimination at the national and regional level. SIDC ensures that vulnerable populations enjoy their health and human rights and fulfil their potentials in a society free of stigma and discrimination.

The multi-country Global Fund grant “Nadoum Programme” is a three-year (2022-2024) grant  is managed by Frontline AIDS as Principal Recipient (PR) and implemented by eight sub-recipients – five national CSOs (in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia) and three regional networks. 

Within the framework of Nadoum Programme, SIDC is seeking a consultant to offer a three day training on “Monitoring and Evaluation” to the Lebanese AIDS Network Association (LANA)’s staff members.

Objective of the Training:

The main objective of the training is to enable participants to develop and implement a project monitoring and evaluation plan. The training will also prepare participants to set up a monitoring system, different types of indicators, means of verification, monitoring tools, calculate indicators.

Consultancy Details:

The consultant will perform the following tasks:

  1. Prepare and deliver a three day training on Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning  and covering the following topics:
  • Monitoring  التعريف بالرصد/المراقبة
  • Accountability chain  سلسلة المساءلة
  • Fields of Monitoring  مجالات الرصد/المراقبة
  • Output monitoring  مراقبة المخرجات   
  • Outcome monitoring  مراقبة المحصلات 
  • Impact monitoring  مراقبة الأثر   
  • Context monitoring  مراقبة السياق/الظروف
  • Process monitoring  مراقبة العمليات  
  • Development of the monitoring system  تطوير نظام الرصد/المراقبة
  • Indicators  المؤشرات
  • Components of indicators  مكونات المؤشرات 
  • Types of indicators أنواع المؤشرات:الكمية، النوعية، المركبة، بروكسي.
  • Quality of indicators نوعية المؤشر
  • Stakeholders and indicators  المؤشرات وأصحاب المصلحة 
  • Calculation of indicators احتساب المؤشرات
  • Calculation of Qualitative indicators احتساب المؤشرات النوعية
  • Calculation of quantitative indicators احتساب المؤشرات الكمية 
  • Baseline and comparison types  خط الأساس وأنواع المقارنة
  • Data collection جمع البيانات
  • Process monitoring عملية الرصد/المراقبة
  • Learning Processes + Example of a monitoring instrument  عمليات التعلم
  • Cooperation within the Project Organization  + Example of a monitoring instrument
  • Cooperation with Partners + Example of a monitoring instrument التعاون مع الشركاء و مثال على أداة مراقبة

Evaluation التقييم

  • Evaluation principles مبادئ التقييم
  • When can we do the evaluation? متى يمكننا  إجراء التقييم؟
  • What to evaluate  ما الذي يجب تقييمه
  • Quantitative and qualitative evaluations التقييم الكمي والتقييم النوعي
  • Evaluation of results and performance evaluation تقييم النتائج و الأداء
  • Relation between monitoring and evaluation العلاقة بين الرصد والتقييم
  1. Provide examples of data collection methods, indicators, monitoring and evaluation tools used in the field of LANA’s work (advocacy and sensitizations - in the field of HIV and harm reduction) as well recommended readings and tools to the participants, particularly on topics that were not fully covered during the training, to further support their learning and application of the concepts beyond the training sessions.
  2. Develop outcome indicators and follow-up questions to facilitate the integration of the training's learning outcomes into the organization's practices beyond the training period, ensuring long-term institutionalization of the acquired knowledge.
  3. Submit a final activity report about the sessions.

Qualifications and experience

  • At least a master’s degree in Public Health, Information Management, International development, Project Management or any relevant field.
  • At least five years professional experience in providing trainings on Project Cycle Management, Monitoring & Evaluation, Research Ethics, Data Management & Protection with evidence of having undertaken similar assignments
  • Previous experience in the non-Governmental sector
  • Experience in gender issues
  • Must be result-oriented, exhibiting high levels of enthusiasm, tact, diplomacy and integrity
  • Excellent analytical, interpersonal, and reporting skills, with knowledge of and experience in the application of policy and procedures standards
  • High level written and oral communications skills in Arabic and English
  • Ability to successfully and effectively liaise with people in a wide range of functions in a multi-cultural environment
  • Experience and understanding of HIV and the Lebanese context
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision
  • The consultant might apply as an individual or as a consortium

Commitment to Quality Work

The Consultant shall use an evidence-based approach and ensure the highest standard of work and timely deliverables at every stage of this assignment. In particular, the Consultant shall ensure clarity of objectives and process during consultations; countercheck all facts and figures cited; ensure that the content and format of the deliverables meets the highest standard for such documents; and ensure proper editing and clarity. The contractual partner will neither publish nor cause to be published in any form the results of this assignment without prior​ ​written​ ​consent​ ​of​ ​the​ ​contractor. The contractual partner will be solely responsible for the professional quality of his/her work and the timely completion​ ​of​ ​the​ ​assignment.



Daleel Madani, the civil society network, serves as a platform for organisations to post their professional opportunities, but is not involved in the recruitment process. The hiring organisation is solely responsible for the job and candidate selection.

Last modified: 
24 Apr, 2023
Intervention Sector(s):
Gender issues, Health, Human Rights & Protection, Research & Studies
Application Deadline:
Saturday, 29 April 2023
Contract Type:
Period of Employment:
1 Month
Salary Range:
1200 to 1500 (USD)
Education Degree:
Masters Degree
Education Degree Details:
At least a master’s degree in Public Health, Information Management, International development, Project Management or any relevant field.
Experience Requirements:
3 to 5 years
Arabic Language:
English Language:
French Language:
  • Lebanon