Call for Partnership - Fostering Inclusive Career Choices, Resilience and Agency (FICCRA) project

Main Statement

Right to Play Lebanon is seeking partnership with organizations with proven experience in livelihoods, career guidance, and employability inside Shatila camp in Beirut Lebanon to support in the implementation of the Fostering Inclusive Career Choices, Resilience and Agency - FICCRA Project.

General overview about the FICCRA Project

The Fostering Inclusive Career Choices, Resilience and Agency – FICCRA project is contributing to building adolescents and youth skills and education which are relevant to the new market opportunities (social work, digital projects, and sustainable economies) through a life-skills, career guidance, vocational and employability package for youth.

FICCRA is an on-going project since 2021 that stems from a rights-based, integrated, child-centered approaches and reached 1,700 young people, aged 14 to 24 with a package that facilitated their transition into the job market. It targeted young residents of Palestinian camps and gatherings in North and South Lebanon. Right To Play has been working with local civil society organizations from Palestinian camps and gatherings in North and South Lebanon to co-implement activities, support in creating youth hubs and empowering adolesecents and youth to build their capacity in project management.

FICCRA Actvities –FICCRA Actvities – This section describes the activities that the prospective partner will lead on and/or support on implementing with Right to Play during a 3 months period pending confirmation from the donor:

  1. Facilitate RTP partnership assessment process during which mutual and agreed upon partner organizational support plans will be established, followed-up on, and implemented for selected partners;
  2. Identification & recruitment of project staff in line with UNICEF & RTP recruitment processes;
    • Demonstrate commitment to attend capacity building and training initiatives provided by RTP and other consultants under the scope of the project
  3. Identificaiton and outreach of 100 adolescents aged 14-17 years from Shatila Palestinian camp to enroll at FICCRA project activities 
  4. Ensure the referral & enrollment  of adoelscents to English Language courses on timely basis and according to suitable opportunities.
  5. Co-lead with RTP on the planning, implementation, and follow-up of adolescents enrollment at Digital & Medial literacy courses
  6. Co-lead with RTP on FGD and community assessments to identify potential market and job opportunities.
  7. Co-lead with RTP to establish linkages with employers to ensure that youth are receiving on the job, and internship opportunities;

 Required qualifications, and eligibility of the prospective partner:

  • Have a physical center inside Shatila camp; presence in other camps and gatherings around Beirut is a plus;
  • Partnership is only open for national organizations and civil society partners;
  • The project will be implemented  in Palestinian camps in Beirut. Only prospective partners who operate or have experience operating the aforementioned area;
  • Proven 5 years and more of experience and knowledge working and operating in         Palestinian camp;
  • Proven 5 years and more of experience in planning and implementing livelihood projects entailing career guidance, vocational trainings, and employability;
  • Proven 5 years and more of experience and knowledge in the child protection and participation, inclusion of PwSN, and referral mechanisms;
  • Evidence of experience in conducting training/coaching sessions with participants who work with vulnerable communities.


How to apply

Proposal submission 

Interested organizations are requested to submit the following documents:  

  • 1-pager portfolio/summary of projects implemented in the past 3 years, inside Shatila camp, with focus on livehliood sector;
  • Financial proposal spanning for not more than 3 months. The total budget that will be provided by RTP will be discussed at selection stage depending on the suggested areas and scope to be covered.

The proposal must be submitted no later than Friday 09th of December, 2022, to Ma’amoun Salhab at: [email protected]. Incomplete proposals will not be considered. 

The following should be clearly stated in the email heading: "Call for Partnership". Early submissions are encouraged and appreciated. While we thank all applicants for their interest, only those selected for interviews will be contacted.  

Competitive budgets would be considered.  

Should you wish to further inquire about the call, or require clarification, please e-mail Ma’amoun Salhab at: [email protected] with the header stating “Inquiry – Call for Partnership”.

Friday, 09. Dec 2022
Type of Call
Call for Applications
Intervention Sector(s):
Labor & Livelihoods, Social & Cultural Development