LBF7AO Consultancy to support Protection Mainstreaming in AAH Lebanon Mission

1) Background

Action Against Hunger is a multi-sector humanitarian and development actor in Lebanon, providing services in WASH, FSL, Nutrition and Emergency Response (with Shelter/NFI components). While protection programming is not part of Action Against Hungers mandate in Lebanon, the organization acknowledges the importance of mainstreaming protection principles throughout its programmes. Therefore, Action Against Hunger would like to request support for a 2-month consultancy to develop a Protection Mainstreaming Action Plan and further integrate Protection Mainstreaming in the mission’s operations.

The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Policy on Protection in Humanitarian Action (2016), emphasises the IASC commitment to prioritise protection and contribute to protection outcomes in humanitarian action. Protection mainstreaming – the responsibility of all humanitarian actors – is one way of ensuring that protection principles are used to inform humanitarian response and address protection issues. It requires humanitarian practitioners to strive to minimise the harm they may cause by ensuring a protection lens is incorporated in the design and implementation of humanitarian programs. Protection mainstreaming involves the inclusion of these four principles in programming:

  • Prioritize Safety & Dignity
  • Meaningful Access
  • Accountability to beneficiaries
  • Participation and Empowerment              

In short, humanitarian actors are committed to have this protection lens in their operations and programming and increasing efforts are being made in the international aid structures to make sure this happens.     

2) Objective of the Consultancy

To operationalize the commitment of mainstreaming protection in programme operations, the consultancy will have the following objectives:

  • To understand current practices and develop a strategy for AAH Lebanon to mainstream protection in the mission

This is done through developing a guidance note on Protection Mainstreaming for the AAH Lebanon mission that covers at minimum the following points:

  • Protection context and risk analysis 
  • Stakeholder mapping
  • Protection Mainstreaming strategy:
    • Protection context monitoring
    • Protection Mainstreaming in AAH Project Tools and Processes
    • Accountability Mechanism
    • Referral
    • Measuring and reporting on Protection Mainstreaming at mission level
    • Roles and Responsibilities in Protection Mainstreaming
    • Advocacy messages 
    • Training requirements and plan
    • Minimum standards and key recommendations for AAH programme design
  • Key recommendations

This Guidance Note should be based on inputs from key stakeholders, base and coordination level, and includes field visit to AAHs projects to ensure a thorough understanding of AAHs programming.  

  • Ensure key staff are trained and tools and practices are operationalized within the mission

This is done through a Training of Trainers (ToT). Based on review of AAH internal training resources and requirements, the consultant develops a tailored training package and identifies key stakeholders for a Training of Trainers.

The aim of this training is to ensure that Protection Mainstreaming principles are fully operationalized within the mission contextual awareness, strategy, tools and processes. The TOT can also serve to further inform and specify the Protection Mainstreaming Guidance Note.

  • Empower staff in considering protection mainstreaming in programming

Based on the strategy and ToT, the consultant will support ToT participants in implementing key recommendations in their day-to-day work through mentoring. 

3) Activities and Timeframe

Develop Guidance Note       

  • Discussion with key stakeholders (internal and external)
  • Field Visit to base and projects (interaction with beneficiaries)
  • Training needs assessment (if necessary)
  • Drafting of Guidance Note
  • Presentation of draft Guidance Note to key stakeholders to collect feedback
  • Update the Guidance Note based on TOT and mentoring experience

Timeframe: 20 days

Roll out of TOT and mentoring

  • Select participants for TOT
  • Conduct TOT
  • Draft training report
  • Setup follow-up/mentoring/peer-to-peer meetings

Timeframe: 10 days

The time allocated for this consultancy will be linked to the delivery of the products mentioned below.

4) Roles and Responsibilities of the Contracting Party

Action Against Hunger agrees to:

  • Provide all the necessary information and contacts for the accomplishment of the service on time.
  • Review and validate the workplan and tools proposed by the Consultant.
  • Review and validate the reports and training materials proposed by the Consultant.
  • Provide all the needed means in terms of staff and material to conduct the assessments, workshops, or the provision of reports.
  • Pay the Consultant according to the Terms of Payments agreed in the Contract.

5) Roles and Responsibilities of the Consultant

The Consultant agrees to:

  • Develop the described actions and produce the deliverables with maximum diligence and transparency, respecting the deadlines agreed with AAH.
  • Commit to perform the consultancy as agreed with Action Against Hunger according to the timeline
  • To refrain from changing the workplan without prior agreement with AAH.
  • Communicate pro-actively on progress on consultancy deliverables.

6) Expected Deliverables

  • Guidance Note on Protection Mainstreaming (covering the above-described areas)
  • ToT on Protection Mainstreaming (incl. training report)
  • Presentation of Guidance Note on Protection Mainstreaming
  • Guidance note on Protection Mainstreaming for the AAH Lebanon Mission

7) Consultant Requirements

Action Against Hunger is looking for a consultant with experience in Protection Mainstreaming training and tools. The consultant is expected to have:

  • Contextual knowledge of Lebanon and its current humanitarian situation
  • Experience working in protection or protection mainstreaming for INGOs
  • Experience with FSL, basic assistance and WASH sector.
  • Proven record of conducting trainings, including about Protection Mainstreaming
  • At least 5 years of professional experience
  • Good analytical skills, extracting conclusions and providing recommendations from engagement with different staff members.
  • Good writing skills to draft clear and brief plans and tools.
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Advanced facilitation and training skills.
  • Strong knowledge of English language, Arabic language is considered a plus. 
  • A C.V highlighting references to previous relevant experiences.
  • No pending judicial lawsuit that can endanger the objectives of the consultancy.

8) Application

Applicants should submit the following documents by email to [email protected] before October 12th , 2022 before/at 3:00 PM (Beirut Time)

  • CV
  • Workplan
  • Financial offer

9) Evaluation of Application:

  • Application will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
  • profile and experience of the consultant about the related subject (25%),
  • the methodology proposed for conducting the tasks (25%), and
  • financial offer (50%).

How to apply

Applicants should submit the following documents by email to [email protected] before October 12th , 2022 before/at 3:00 PM (Beirut Time)

Wednesday, 12. Oct 2022
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Human Rights & Protection