Purchase of 4*4 New Vehicle - RTP 2022006

Right to Play International is looking to purchase a new 4*4 vehicle or 4*4 Double cabin pickup.
Kindly find enclosed the following documents related to the tender for provision of “New Vehicle” for our project “Norad”
Funded by “EQIE”
A. Instructions to Tenderers + tenders relevant experience
B. Request for Tender
C. Tenderer’s Declaration
D. Child Safeguarding Policy
E. Code of Conduct


We look forward to receiving your tender on or before 04h00 on 13th of July 2022 at the following email addresses which should include the Subject of the tender RTP2022006 Your tender bid must include the following documentation so please use the list below as a ‘Checklist’ before submitting your tender to Right To Play International.

o Completed Request for tender including the Financial Offer and technical specifications.

o Signed Tenderer’s Declaration

o Tenderer’s Relevant Experience

o Proof of registration on Commercial Register

o Copy of registration for tax with Ministry of Finance

How to apply

Offers must be sent to the below email addresses (kindly add both email address when sending full tender documents. Please also send document in PDF format signed and stamped by company. Mariam Zaytoun – Logistics Officer ([email protected])- 70-259865 (8:00 AM to 4:00 PM) Kevork Dersarkissian – Logistics Coordinator ([email protected])- 03-190093 (8:00 AM to 4:00 PM)
