SPOT is seeking a marketing consultant to support the development of its marketing strategy, building on the 2022 – 2025 strategic plan. The aim is to strengthen its visibility, enhance its positioning among other actors in the sector, inform the fundraising strategy, and strengthen its outreach to its targeted population. Furthermore, SPOT is launching a community warehouse project in Lebanon, aiming to support the under-resourced individuals and families to build a better life and nurture stronger communities.  

The Marketing Consultant is expected to work closely with SPOT team to: 

  • Conduct market research to identify trends and opportunities 
  • Develop the marketing strategy of SPOT according to objectives and budget, including identifying the most appropriate key messages 
  • Develop the marketing plan of SPOT 
  • Provide recommendations on branding, positioning, communication, and other marketing issues.  


  • Market research report 
  • Marketing strategy document validated with SPOT team 
  • Marketing plan document validated with SPOT team 
  • Recommendations on branding, positioning, communication, and other marketing issues.


The consultancy duration will be of one month, subject to change following discussions with SPOT team and required deliverables. 


Qualifications & Profile 

  • 5+ years’ experience in marketing and communication 
  • Proven previous experience in the non-profit sector 
  • Demonstrated experience as marketing consultant or similar role 
  • University degree in relevant field 
  • Knowledge of data analysis and market research 
  • In-depth knowledge of marketing principles and best practices 
  • Able to effectively write proposals and reports 
  • Proficiency in English language 

How to apply

Interested applicants should submit their CV, portfolio, technical and financial proposal, detailing the proposed methodology and approach, description of the deliverables and proposed timeline to [email protected].

Deadline to apply is 28 February 2022.  


Monday, 28. Feb 2022
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Development, Labor & Livelihoods, Relief Services
Remuneration range:
5000 to 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
1 month