Invitation to Bid (ITB) Lebanon Country Programs Capacity Building *Deadline Extended*

Name of organization: The Near East Foundation
Address: Badaro, Bani Kana'n street, Badaro 4741 building, 10th floor

Date of issue: July 30th, 2021
Deadline for the receipt of bids: August 17th, 2021



Background: For 100 years, the Near East Foundation (NEF) has worked to build more sustainable, prosperous, and inclusive communities in the Middle East, Caucasus, and Africa through education, governance, and economic development initiatives. Working through a network of country offices and local partners, NEF currently has approximately 250 staff members – almost all nationals – and programs in ten countries: Armenia, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Mali, Morocco, Palestine, Senegal, Sudan, and Syria. Its programs are organized around three themes: Peacebuilding through Economic Cooperation, Climate-resilient Agriculture, and Microenterprise Development.

Project Overview: The Reducing the Vulnerability of Syrian Refugees and Lebanese in Lebanon IV project (from September 2020 till September 2021), implemented in 4 areas (Tripoli, Halba, Taanayel, and Kentari) aims to reduce household economic vulnerability and reliance on harmful coping strategies by increasing access & knowledge to livelihoods and protection information and providing business skills on how to start and manage income generating activities.

NEF assists vulnerable individuals, including at least 50% Syrian refugees, 40% vulnerable Lebanese from host communities and 10% other people of concern (PoC) including Iraqis, PRL and PRS. Beneficiaries include at least 70% women, and prioritization is given to persons with disabilities (PWD), beneficiaries from female headed households (FHH) and households (HH) without earners.

The two main objectives of the project are:

(1) Improve the capacity of partner CBOs to identify and support individuals with social and financial resources and with referral services to build resilience and livelihoods.

(2) Support vulnerable Syrian refugees, Lebanese, and other POC to have improved capacities to develop market linked IGAs and MSMEs.

Assignment: NEF Lebanon office is looking to select a service provider to build the capacity of NEF and partner staff project management, time management, stress management, communications skills, reporting, protection, GBV and SGBV, excel, effective email writing, English language, data collection and data analysis. In addition to refugee legal rights.

Expected Outputs/Deliverables of the Service: Under the supervision of the Senior Project Coordinator and Logistics Officer, the service provider will be required to deliver the following outputs:

  •  Prepare training packages in English and Arabic, adapted to remote modalities;  Provide full reports on the outcome of the implemented trainings.
  •  Provide certificates to the participants after each training.

Training Topics will include:

  •   Project Management
  •   Time Management
  •   Stress Management
  •   Leadership Skills
  •   Communications Skills
  •   English language (Beginners, and Intermediate)
  •   Effective Email Writing
  •   Data Collection and Data Analysis
  •   Refugee Legal Rights
  •   Excel (Beginners, and Intermediate)
  •   Protection
  •   Child Protection
  •   GBV and SGBV

How to Apply:

  • Bid Document: Interested bidders are to read this ITB carefully, print it, sign, and stamp all the pages and submit a quotation according to all the requirements.
  • Tender Process: Interested and eligible bidders are requested to submit their bids by email to: [email protected] with a subject line, Capacity Building, OR by hand in a sealed envelope to the following address: Bani Kana’n Street, Bld # 4741, 10th Floor, Badaro, Beirut – Lebanon
  • Closing Date: Deadline for bids submission is August 10th, 2021. All bids submitted after that date and time will be rejected.

Bidders can email [email protected] for questions.

Skills, experience and qualifications required:

Service Provider Profile:

  •  5 to 7 years’ experience in local development projects, working with NGOs, delivering training workshops;
  •  Officially Registered as per the Lebanese Laws;
  •  Experience in engaging women and youth in similar projects using creative and youth-friendly methods; 
  •  Experience in developing and delivering training workshops and coaching sessions;
  •  Flexibility to work on weekends and in the afternoon;
  •  Knowledge in child protection and facilitation skills;

Other Skills:

  •   Language skills: Fluent in Arabic and English;
  •   Computer skills: good knowledge of Microsoft Office, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Webex, Go To Meeting, and other relevant platforms;
  •   Good knowledge in protection and social related topics;
  •   Excellent communication and listening skills;
  •   Effective stress management;
  •   Ability to work under pressure and with short deadlines;
  •   Good problem-solving skills;
  •   Good knowledge of the humanitarian context in Lebanon;
  •   Excellent ability to work in a team.

How to apply

Submission requirements:
Interested applicants should submit the following in a unique PDF file, including:

  •   Cover Letter indicating clearly how the opportunity fits in with applicant’s skills and experience;
  •   Up-to-date Curriculum Vitae(s) for the trainers;
  •   Technical proposal (including understanding and comments on the ITB);
  •   Financial proposal (inclusive of VAT).

Corrupt practices:

The standards of ethics of the Near East Foundation should be respected during any procurement process and the execution of contracts. In pursuit of this, the Near East Foundation defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:


  • “Corrupt practice” includes the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in contract execution.
  • “Fraudulent practice” includes a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Near East Foundation, and includes collusive practices among bidders prior to or after bid submission designed to establish bid prices at artificial, non-competitive levels and to deprive the Near East Foundation of the benefits of free and open competition.

In any case where fraud or corruption is identified, NEF will take appropriate action, including but not limited to:

  • rejecting any bids where the bidder has engaged in corrupt or fraudulant practices in competing for the contract.

Eligible Bidders:

A bidder shall meet the following criteria to be eligible to participate in NEF procurement: the bidder, at the time of bid, is not:

  • insolvent
  • in receivership
  • bankrupt
  • being wound up

A bidder, and all parties constituting the bidder including sub-contractors, are required to disclose any and all conflicts of interest. All bidders found to have an undisclosed conflict of interest may be disqualified. A bidder may be considered to have a conflict of interest with one or more parties in this bidding process, if they have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third parties, that puts them in a position to have access to information about or influence on the bid of another bidder, or influence the decisions of the Near East Foundation regarding this bidding process.

Currency of bid:

All prices should be quoted by the bidders in USD, unless otherwise stated.


Payments will be made as follows: 40% upon the contract signature and 60% after finalizing all the trainings. Payments will be made by an International Bank Transfer, within 15 days from the reception of proper invoices.

Bid Validity:

Bids shall remain valid for a period of 30 days after the date of the bid submission deadline.

Evaluation of Bids:

The Near East Foundation will evaluate the submitted bids according to the following criteria:

  • Quality of the service according to the required specifications.
  • Price in comparison to NEF established rate.
  • Ability to deliver the requested service by the required time.
  • Demonstrated excellent service.
  • Solidity of the offer/quotation prepared.
  • Reputation of the service provider.
  • Adherence, to ethic and anti-corruption practices of NEF.
  • Previous experience with NEF.

Award procedures:

  • The Near East Foundation shall award the contract in writing, with an award letter, to the selected bidder before the end of the bid validity period.
  • Any bidder who has not been awarded a contract, will be notified in writing.
  • The award letter will state the sum that the Near East Foundation will pay the supplier/service provider in
  • consideration of the good/service prescribed in the contract, and in accordance with the bid.

Signing of contract

  • Upon receipt of the letter of acceptance, the Near East Foundation shall call the successful bidder to sign the contract.
  • Within an agreed timeframe, an authorized representative of the successful bidder shall sign, date, and return the contract to NEF.

Bidder Representative Name: ......................

Position: .................................................

Signature: ................................................

Date: ......................................................



Tuesday, 17. Aug 2021
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Labor & Livelihoods