Methle Methlak is a youth-based initiative that aims to alleviate juveniles and young adults' reintegration process, namely after their release from Roumieh central prison. 

Our goal is to offer these juveniles a second chance through the provision of much-needed services that they are in need of in order to ease this challenging process and continue their journey in life. 

These services may include but are not limited to vocational training, mental health and health services, legal services, educational services, and others.

One of our main targets is to alter society’s point of view regarding juveniles. This will be approached through awareness sessions across Lebanon with an emphasis on the crucial role every citizen has in the reintegration process.

Start is methle methlak’s first project funded by the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) and the U.S. Embassy that aims to spread awareness on the topic and journey of juveniles in conflict with the law. Awareness sessions all over Lebanon will be implemented to build a welcoming community to juveniles in conflict with the law accentuating the crucial role of citizens in this reintegration process.

Overall Objectives: 
Methle Methlak is tackling the issue of juveniles by providing interactive awareness sessions in different areas all over Lebanon. Awareness sessions include role-plays, testimonies of ex-inmates, and experts interventions.  A compilation of the before and after contradictory perspectives as means of recording and evaluating the impact these sessions had through a short movie. Our direct beneficiaries of this project are people who are unaware of their crucial role in the reintegration process of ex-inmates. Small businesses owner, non-governmental organizations, and different institutions are invited to highlight their role and emphasis their abilities that can ensure a smooth reintegration process for juveniles.
Methle Methlak is tackling the issue of juveniles by providing interactive awareness sessions in different areas all over Lebanon (Beirut- Tripoli- Baalbeck- West Beqaa- Saida- Sour)
Start Date
Sat, 10/07/2021 - 12:00pm
Project Status
Project Timeframe
2 Years
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness, Children & Youth, Crime, Law & Legal Affairs
Project Location:
Beirut , Beirut
Phone: 0096181803618
Beirut LB
Collaboration with Other Organisations