What creates value in a society? Should economic value be linked to what we value as individuals, and is what we value defined by the economies we live in?

Do you, the youth and future of Lebanon, still see your values reflected in the economy of your beloved country? And where?

We want to hear your voices and we want to make your voices heard.

Define your values to drive the debate for economic change and build a better Lebanon.

Rakiza and Financially-Wise, two NGOs with a long tradition of working with youth and innovation, have joined hands to create the Value and Values Award.

For the inaugural 2021 edition, we will be looking for inspirational well-argued articles answering one of the questions below.

If you are a Lebanese resident between 17 and 21 years old, this is your chance to express your thoughts and show your talent.

The jury will be composed of a highly respected panel of recognised public figures.

We will host orientation and support sessions during the process so please make sure you have registered your interest here.

Winners will be announced during a ceremony in August 2021. If you are one of them, many prizes and opportunities await you, including the chance to have your article published in leading media outlets.

Winners will also be invited to participate in roundtable discussions and debates with thought leaders from Lebanon and beyond.

By joining this competition, you are voicing your values, your views, your dreams.

Together, we can drive forward your vision for economic revival and inclusive growth.

How to apply


The Questions:

For 17-18 year olds:

What value do cultural and creative industries such as music, art, cinema, literature and sport create in an economy?

For 19-21 year olds:

A key element of economic development is how societies define and value public goods, and how they allow such goods to be utilised culturally and ethically. Where do you stand with regards to this, as a Lebanese resident and stakeholder in the local economy?

Friday, 30. Apr 2021
Type of Call
Call for Participation
Intervention Sector(s):
Business & Economic Policy, Development, Education