The “ImPower Project” was a project supported by UNICEF and funded by Germany through the German development bank KfW and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and implemented by “SIDC” NGO in Lebanon. The project entailed outreaching youth NGOs to partner with “SIDC”, training their youth leaders on “Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)” and “Substance Use” and engaging their youth in the design and implementation of initiatives to raise awareness on the previously mentioned topics.  Within the framework of this project, “SIDC” and “Chabibeh Club” signed a memorandum of understanding and collaborated together for the main aim of the project which was educating youth on the topics of STIs and Substance Use, and empowering them to develop and implement their own initiatives.

Overall Objectives: 
1. Train youth workers and youth leaders on how to raise awareness on STIs and substance use, and how to support youth in designing and implementing initiatives on the same topics 2. Support youth to increase their knowledge on the topics of STIs and substance use and to design and implement initiatives on these topics
Implementation: Under the MOU singed between “SIDC” and “Chabibeh Club”, the following was implemented from January 2020 until June 2020: 1. Training for youth leaders: “Chabibeh Club” nominated 2 youth leaders who participated in a 4 days training organized by “SIDC”. The training enhanced their knowledge on the topics of “STIs” and “Substance Use” and developed their capacities to work with young people on the design, development and implementation of youth-led initiatives on the same topics. 2. Training for youth: After their participation in the “SIDC” training, the “Chabibeh Club” youth leaders organized a 2 days training for a group of youth at “Chabibeh Club” in order to transfer the knowledge and skills gained through the “SIDC” training. This training for youth came as a follow up to the “SIDC” training with the aim to transfer the knowledge acquired to other groups of youth working in vulnerable areas in order to come up with initiatives. 3. Coaching: The youth were coached by the youth leaders after the training, in order to work on their initiatives as groups. The coaching phase supported the youth to meet regularly, discuss their initiatives, agree on the final concept, distribute roles and implement the initiatives. 4. Youth-Led initiatives: At this phase, the youth were able to implement their initiatives which focused on sensitizing other youth and raising their awareness on STIs and Substance Use. The “Chabibeh Club” youth group designed and implemented 5 youth-led initiatives: • 2 online games on Substance Use • 1 online game on STIs • 1 outdoor board game on Substance Use and STIs • 1 short awareness raising movie The youth initiatives implementation phase was very challenging, due to the Corona virus spread, which affected youth mobility. This led to amending the initial initiatives and transformed most of it into online activities. However, youth were able to implement and to collaborate with other NGOs in order to outreach other youth, especially the “Makassed Volunteers Unit”. One of the main modifications done was related to the budget. While the budget had lines related to transportation and food for the initiatives and the coaching sessions, it was not possible to use it anymore due to the lock-down. By assessing the situation closely, “Chabibeh Club” requested the permission to use this budget and buy gift coupons for the winners of the online awareness raising games. This request was approved by the partners and welcomed by the participants. 5. Evaluation: This was an ongoing process. After every training and initiative done by “Chabibeh Club”, youth were encouraged to take part in an evaluation exercise where they had the chance to assess their learning process and their participation. In addition, and at the end of the project, “SIDC” ran an online evaluation covering all the project duration and invited all youth and youth leaders to take part in it. 6. Closing: “SIDC” organized an online closing event to present the projects outcome. “Chabibeh Club” representatives at this event included members of the management board, members of the youth department and representatives of the youth who participated in the project and implemented initiatives. For more information, please visit our projects page:
A. 2 youth leaders from “Chabibeh Club” enhanced their knowledge and skills on STIs and Substance Use and developed their capacities to work with young people on the design, development and implementation of youth-led initiatives on the same topics. B. 15 youth participated in a training on STIs and Substance Use and designed and implemented youth-led initiatives reaching other young people. C. 5 youth-led initiatives were implemented to sensitive youth and raise their awareness on STIs and Substance Use. D. 40 youth reached through the online awareness raising games and outdoor board game. E. 9 youth received gift coupons following their participation in the online games (3 winners for each online game who ended in first, second and third places based on their answers to the questions during the games) To know more about the project, check the following link:
Start Date
Sat, 10/10/2020 - 11:45am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
6 Months
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness, Children & Youth, Education, Health, Training & Capacity Building
Project Location:
Chabibeh Club
Pierre Gemayel
Chiah Ain el Remmaneh , Mount Lebanon
Phone: +96170638977
Mount Lebanon LB
Collaboration with Other Organisations