NGO mission:
The project aims to provide all kinds of guidance, counseling and psycho-social support for cancer patients through awareness and educational programs about the disease and ways to prevent it, and follow ups on the latest innovations of promising treatments for cancer.
NGO Goals:
Spread awareness, education and ways to prevent cancer Create a global media with associations and patients to exchange benefits and cultures. Help and educate patients to fight their disease and provide real, service and financial aids according to the available possibilities. Seek to support treatment of cancer patients to be gratuitous (Hospitalization and drugs). Fight phenomena causing cancer by organizing awareness – raising campaigns and activities. Establish a mental health care center for cancer patients. Encourage scientific researches of cancer treatments in Lebanon.
The project aims at fulfilling and achieving the goals and missions with efficiency and effectiveness that we are committed to and have publicly stated.
The project summary is as follows:
The project will be executed in four stages to create public awareness about cancer:
A launch of the organization will take effect to announce the presence to the public and launch the projects that it holds. A series of educational videos Will be made by well-qualified oncologists on cancer and its main aspects in Arabic to educate the patients about their state, what they face and how to deal with it. Short animation videos will be designed to create attractive educational materials for the public. An informative cancer guide for patients will be published to help them as a reference booklet to fight against cancer to overcome the lack of patient education in Lebanese hospitals. This guide will be written by medical professionals and will then be reviewed and approved by a panel of oncologists. After approval, this guide will then be translated into Arabic and distributed in almost 50 hospitals in Lebanon. Cancer awareness presentations will be held in schools, universities and rural areas to educate the youth and the general public about this disease and ways to prevent it from happening and showing them the huge impact of it on societies. A number of cancer patient will be under our supervision where they will get all the additional care and support they deserve during their survivorship journey, this will include providing consults, psychosocial support, advocating for patient’s needs (medical and social) and general follow-ups on their treatments progress. For more information:
[email protected]

Overall Objectives: 
Decrease cancer incidence rate on the long term in the region and improving the quality of care that cancer patients receive.
Start Date
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness, Health
Project Location:
Beirut LB
Collaboration with Other Organisations