1166658 1WVL I Call for Tender - Rehabilitation works in 5 public schools in Akkar.


World Vision Lebanon is looking for supplier to provide Sports Bottle.

More Detailed information about the Tender will be shared with Tender Documentation to interested Companies/Consultants.

All National Companies interested in Tender participation should submit the Letter of Interest to WV Lebanon Procurement email address [email protected], to receive the Tender Documentation.

Letter of Interest should include following information:


  • Email Subject Line: 1166658 I WVL I Call for Tender - Rehabilitation works in 5 public schools in Akkar.
  • Name of Company.
  • Contact Information: Contact Person, Telephone, Mobile & Email.

Deadline for the submission of Letter of Interest is February 28, 2020 03:00 PM Lebanon Time since the deadline of Submission offers is March 6, 2020.

Please note:

  • Companies missing contact information in the Letter of Interest will not be considered for the Tender Participation.
  • Any submission of Letter of Interest after deadline will be rejected and companies will not be invited to Tender.

Tender Documents will be sent out electronically through WV procurement system (Provision) to interested companies/consultants by February 28, 2020. Tender documents will include detailed BOQs and TOR and submission instructions. All applications should be received online through the system, no hard copies or email submission will be accepted.




How to apply

For any information, please contact WV Lebanon Procurement Department;

Telephone: 04-401 980/1 Ext: 1087/1086/1082.

Friday, 06. Mar 2020
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Infrastructure & Services Rehabilitation