Lphu - Towards A Barrier-Free Built Environment - Volume 2

Special guidelines for “Building Licenses” pertaining to public and private buildings of the urban planning centers across Lebanon
Guidelines no. 2
-       This guideline is issued by The Lebanese Physical Handicapped Union, arranged by engineer Bashar Abdel Samad, in October 2011.
Objective of the guideline:
Support the application of the decree concerning the accessible environment for people with disability.
Raise awareness on inclusion of people with disability.
Content of the report:
- Preface
- Introduction

Concept and kinds of disability
Who are the beneficiaries of accessible environment?
Who is responsible of clearing the inaccessible?
What is public good of having accessible environments?
Who are the stakeholders of using this guideline?

-       The minimum architectural measures
-       References

Lebanese Union for People with Physical Disabilities
Publishing Date: 
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Resource Type: 
Studies and Reports
Disability & Special Needs
Disability & Special Needs
In Association with: 
MPDL, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacion, AECID, LPHU