After careful research and consideration about the needs of Baskinta and its’ vicinities the Baskinta Baytouna Organization (BBO) came to the understanding that waste management is one of the most important projects that should be implemented in Baskinta and its’ vicinities. Its’ importance is based on more than one reason. One of the most important points is that this project won’t just be implemented in one area, but rather in 8 other different villages as well. Baskinta and its vicinities are defined as Ain El Kabou, Al Mashraa- Kfaraakab, Wady El Karem, Zabougha, Bekaatet Kenaan, Kfertey El Metn, and Kfertey Keserwan. Currently the waste collectors employed by the government usually pass by the main street of Baskinta and neglecting on several occasions the neighboring towns and villages. Thus the waste management project is considered vital to the whole area. Secondly, the waste management program will definitely divert some kinds of waste from landfills into recycling. It will reduce air and water pollution. It will furthermore provoke the sense of responsibility of the people towards their environment, their village, hence their country.
The waste management program for Baskinta and its’ vicinities is divided into several phases.
•The first phase is based on the awareness.
•The second phase is based on sorting and recycling paper, plastic, aluminum and transparent glass.
•The third phase is based on composting organics for the agriculture lands existing in the above listed regions.

Overall Objectives: 
Environmental protection; promoting sustainable development; providing a cleaner area for water and air pollution; this project will be a good example for other villages and cities around Lebanon and encourage them to take the risque and starting such a project; contribution to the national and worldwiede startegy.
Workshop- Awareness campaign- Bins distributions
Start Date
Mon, 01/09/2014 - 3:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations