The hospital was established in June 1989 by virtue of decree n

Overall Objectives: 
The medical center provides the elderly and physically disabled persons who have no relatives to take care of them or whose relatives lack the financial means to fully and properly support them, with medical and social services, including entertaining activities, outdoor tours and trips, as well as receptions and events, without even seperating them from their families and children.
To watch over elderly and physically disabled persons, and provide them with medical, health and social services, including entertaining activities, outdoor tours and trips, as well as receptions and events, without even seperating them from their families and children.
Start Date
Fri, 20/11/1992 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations
The association cooperates with the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of Social Affairs, in order to provide a limited number of elderly with care services that conform to their ministerial terms. Moreover, the association handles in full or in part the expenses of a certain number of elderly, i.e. 50% of the association overall expenses. Despite this large financial burden, Sea Mosque strives towards preserving the high level of health care services within