
Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II – (FGPII) intends to launch a local tender procedure in the framework of the project ENI/2020/419-04 - “Promoting the local economy in North East Bekaa” funded by the European Union, represented by the European Commission

The subject of the Open Local Tender is: Purchasing Agricultural equipment.

This tender is divided into several lots.

The Bidder may apply for one or more lots. Each lot will be evaluated separately and the contract may be split, awarded and performed by different suppliers.

Monday, 20 November 2023

Anera plans to expand its rooftop gardens program by installing modified hydroponic rooftop gardens and providing the needed technical support and training for 126 Lebanese and Palestinian families
To that purpose, Anera is opening this tender to invite eligible vendors to submit proposals for the installation of 126 Rooftop Gardens as per the terms of this tender.

Friday, 20 October 2023

SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL (SI) is an international humanitarian NGO which, for more than 40 years, has been providing assistance to populations affected by armed conflicts and natural disasters by meeting their vital needs for food, water and shelter. Particularly involved in the fight against diseases linked to unsafe water, the first cause of death in the world, SI's interventions provide expertise in the field of access to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, but also in the essential area of food security and livelihoods.

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Swisscontact is an independent Swiss foundation promoting economic, social, and environmental development. Swisscontact's objective is to open up pathways out of poverty for people in developing countries through broad-based economic development. In its various projects Swisscontact facilitates access to skills development programs, fosters competitive entrepreneurship, creates access to local financial services, and promotes sustainable use of resources.

Saturday, 4 November 2023

As part of the civil military projects, MARCH is looking for a part time experienced agriculture engineer to oversee the implementation of an agriculture project in the north. He will also be responsible to provide training sessions, and on-site essential trainings and guidelines.

Thursday, 19 October 2023

Solidarités International is an International NGO working with vulnerable populations, mainly victims of armed conflicts and natural disasters. Specialized for nearly 40 years in the coverage of vital needs, S.I. takes charge of emergency and reconstruction programs.
With respect for cultures and being close to the people, Solidarités International implements its programs by combining its skills with those of its employees and local managers.
Solidarités International's teams, made up of around 270 expatriates and nearly 2200 local employees, are today present in 18 countries in Asia

Thursday, 19 October 2023

Land O’Lakes Venture37 is implementing the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) awarded Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Inclusive Food Systems (IFS) in Egypt, Lebanon & Rwanda. The program will increase the productivity & profitability of market actors across local food systems through the provision of targeted, sequenced and layered volunteer technical assistance. Will generate sustainable, broad-based economic growth in the agricultural sector, and serve as a valuable program to facilitate people-to-people exchanges that promote connection & understanding in the global community

Sunday, 22 October 2023

Michel Daher Social Foundation is a local NGO that aims to create an enabling environment where everyone can achieve their highest potential. MDSF is a community partner in the IdeaLab program. The program’s objective is to strengthen the business and product viability of start-ups in agrifoodtech, and cleantech sectors from the Bekaa area. The Program also focuses on the societal impact by providing business incubation and training to vulnerable youth.

Tuesday, 17 October 2023