An Introduction to the Environmental Crisis: Origins, Impacts and Alternatives


This course is open to anyone interested in understanding better what the environmental crisis is made of, where are the myths and the realities. What does sustainability mean? Is there really plastic in our food? How is climate change affecting us? Participants will get the opportunity to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the environmental crisis but also identify and discuss the ideas and solutions that would help us shape a more sustainable future. The course will rely on data-driven content from scientific sources and include media support such as videos and documentaries. Experts in their fields will be invited for interventions followed by debates on specific subjects.

Course description:

The course will tackle the following topics: 

What is the environmental crisis? How did we get there? This session retraces the origins of climate change and the environmental crisis, while looking at concepts such as sustainability and renewability. We will discuss nature and its cycles, how humans have been interacting with the environment, and what is the impact on our lives.

It’s all about energy: This session will focus on energy. Energy is at the source of all human activities, it is as well one of the important causes of the environmental crisis. We will discuss the ways of using energy in a rational and sustainable way, as well as how to produce it. Technical, political, legal and financial aspects will be tackled.

Food, agriculture and sustainability: This session tackles the essential relationship between agriculture, climate change and sustainability. We will look at the damages created by intensive agriculture and the agribusiness industry and discuss the existing alternatives.

Waste, waste and more waste: From single-use plastic to fast-fashion, our modern lives are surrounded by waste. The search for convenience, rapidity and affordability have made our oceans, land and air filled with pollution. During this session, a special focus will be made on the Lebanese trash situation and the necessary actions that should be taken.

Technology, innovation and sustainability: Is Tech good or bad for the planet? This session will look at the latest innovations and the challenges and opportunities created by the third and fourth industrial revolutions. 

International legal frameworks and political action: What policies/frameworks/governance structures have been put in place to mitigate climate change? How effective are the international agreements and initiatives? 

The course will also include an environmental tour of Beirut (optional). 

We face different environmental challenges everyday that shape our lives differently.  Through a tour in an urban environment, the participants will explore these different aspects. The tour will build a collective diagnosis of the environmental challenges of an area in Ain El Remmaneh and Furn El Chebbak, and will reflect on how urban life can be more environmentally friendly.

Number of sessions:


Dates of sessions:

June 3, 10, 17, 24 6:00 pm-8:00 pm (2 hours/session)

Contact Email:

How to contact:

please add the name of the course you’re interested to inquire about in the subject line. Note that registration is done via the form.

Participation Fees:

Standard – 120 000 LL

Reduced** – 80 000 LL

Solidarity* – Pay what you can
above the standard rate

*This fee enables to fund the reduced fee difference and allow concerned persons to have access to the course.
** For salaries under 1000$/month and having to pay house rental. If you do not fall under this categorie and still believe you should have the reduced fee, please contact us. The reduced rate is applicable for limited number of participants.