Arab Human Development Report 2009: Challenges to Human Security in the Arab Countries

The starting point for the present Report is that, since the publication of the first volume in the series, the region’s human development fault lines have grown more complex, and in some cases deepened. While there has been some improvement in quality of life in some countries, there are still too many people in the Arab region living insecure lives, too many people living under persistent pressures that inhibit them from realizing their potential as human beings, and too many traumatic events cutting lives short. In some Arab countries, more than half of the population lives in hunger and want, with no means to look after their families or safeguard their own quality of life. Recent fluctuations in global food prices as well as the current global economic crisis have sent even more people into poverty and malnutrition. Health systems leave many beyond their reach. Water scarcity looms as an existential threat on the horizon. And armed conflicts take their grim toll in the destruction of human lives.

United Nations Development Programme, Regional Bureau for Arab States
Publishing Date: 
Thursday, 1 January 2009
Resource Type: 
Studies and Reports
Safety & Security, Democracy, Citizenship & Civic Rights, Human Rights & Protection