Request for Proposal: Haretna Neighborhood-Based Socio-Economic and Labor Market Assessment

Background and Introduction

About TEC and the Project

Tripoli Entrepreneurs Club (TEC) is a Social Enterprise that inspires and empowers Talents & Businesses to build value-driven innovation through a sustainable startup ecosystem. TEC has been registered in Lebanon since 2015.


HARETNA (حارتنا) is a consortium project that aims to build local capacity to identify and organize around collective priorities, mobilize resources, implement projects and influence the local authorities and key stakeholders. It aims to foster peaceful, community-led change, empowering diverse community members to work together to address their common challenges, and reduce gender inequalities through strengthened social cohesion. This iterative process will demonstrate the value of collective action while strengthening the capacity of the selected communities to lead their own sustainable recovery and development. The Haretna Consortium will guide urban communities in North (Mina, Trab Mseihiyen & Muslimen), Beirut and Mount Lebanon (Chiyah, Hay El Jwar), and South (El Dekermen, Lower Taamir) through a participatory process of identifying and understanding community issues, developing solutions, and prioritizing what to work on through community-wide projects. It originates by bringing diverse community members, across different age, gender and identity groups, into a common process. Communities will discuss and assess their needs, and create first smaller Springboard projects, and later on larger Sustainable Recovery Plans (SRPs) with concrete projects that address their identified concerns. These SRPs will build on the process and structures developed from Springboard projects the first few months of the overall project. The consortium, funded by AFD and DANIDA, is composed of four members: the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) (Consortium Lead), Coordinamento delle Organizzazioni per il Servizio Volontario (COSV), the Lebanese Women Democratic Gathering (RDFL) and Tripoli Entrepreneur Club (TEC). 



  1. Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment within the neighborhood to identify the skill gaps and economic opportunities, income levels, employment status, education levels, and access to basic services.
  2. Analyze the current educational and vocational training infrastructure available within the community.
  3. Identify the main challenges and barriers faced by the community in accessing economic opportunities and sustainable livelihoods.
  4. Analyze the existing social infrastructure, including community organizations, key stakeholders, local institutions, and support networks that can be leveraged for the project.
  5. Identify potential sources of income and entrepreneurial opportunities that align with the neighborhood's strengths and resources.
  6. Suggest strategies for upskilling and capacity-building that address the identified needs and opportunities.
  7. Propose livelihood program framework, including potential areas for intervention, training modules, and monitoring mechanisms.
  8. Propose ways to foster community engagement and ownership in the design and implementation of livelihood programs.
  9. Develop and Equip Labor Market Observatory Platform to display and visualize generated data




  • Identify and finalize Research Tools
  • Conduct a Desk Research
  • Develop the Work Plan for the Platform Development and Communication
  • Research, Design, and Implementation Management of the Labor Market Observatory Platform
  • Follow-up with Conducted Surveys
  • Collect, Transcribe, and Record Data
  • Analyze Results
  • Curate the Report
  • Present to Stakeholders
  • Participate in a monthly in-persons meeting with all the relevant stakeholders and team members of TEC according to a calendar that will be shared at the beginning of the collaboration.
  • Participate in monthly online updates with COSV and TEC Project Managers and provide the information needed in the format agreed with them.
  • Coordinate with Tripoli Entrepreneurs Club (TEC) and COSV for the development of the Labor Market Observatory (LMO) Platform.
  • Create & Develop social media outlets (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) for the promotion of the Labor Market Observatory and its related data


Scope of Work

Skill Gap Analysis

  1. Assess the current skills and competencies of the community members, including both formal education and informal skills.
  2.  Identify the key industries and sectors with potential for growth and job creation in the neighborhood.
  3. Determine the specific skills and training needed to match the demand of the local job market.


Vocational and Entrepreneurial Opportunities

  1. Conduct a market analysis to identify potential income-generating activities and business opportunities that align with the community's resources and capabilities.
  2.  Identify potential partnerships with local businesses and industries to offer training programs or apprenticeships.
  3. Explore possibilities for entrepreneurship development and micro-enterprises.


Educational and Vocational Training Infrastructure

  1. Evaluate the availability and quality of existing educational and vocational training institutions within the neighborhood.
  2.  Identify gaps in the current training infrastructure and propose strategies to address them.
  3.  Explore opportunities for partnerships with educational institutions, NGOs, or government agencies to enhance vocational training programs.


 Capacity-Building and Upskilling Strategies

  1. Propose a tailored plan for capacity-building and upskilling that meets the specific needs and aspirations of the community.
  2.  Propose training modules and curricula for skill development programs.
  3.  Consider incorporating life skills training, financial literacy, and soft skills development into the program.


Livelihood Program Framework

  1.  Propose a design for a comprehensive livelihood program framework that includes a step-by-step plan for implementation.
  2. Define clear objectives, outputs, and outcomes for the livelihood programs.
  3.  Include a monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the effectiveness and impact of the programs.


Community Engagement and Ownership

  1.  Develop strategies to involve community members in the decision-making process and program development.
  2.  Facilitate community consultations and focus group discussions to gather input and feedback.
  3.  Foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among community members to ensure the sustainability of the programs.

Integration of Social Inclusion and Gender Perspectives

  1. Integrate social inclusion and gender perspectives into all aspects of the assessment and program design to promote inclusivity and equity.
  2. Develop strategies to empower marginalized groups and address any potential barriers they may face in accessing the programs.



  1. Describe the research methods and tools you intend to use for the needs assessment (e.g., surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc.).
  2.  Outline the approach you will adopt to ensure inclusivity and representation of all community members in the assessment process.
  3. Explain your strategy for validating data and information collected during the assessment.
  4. Explain your strategy for the development of Labor Market Observatory Platform as well as its promotional plan.



  1. Provide a detailed timeline from the commencement of the assessment to the final submission of the livelihood program design.
  2. Include key milestones and deliverables.



Please submit your financial proposal detailing the following:

  1. Itemized candidates’ fees and costs - candidate should indicate professional daily rate or sessions rate including all costs to be invoiced by TEC (Present a comprehensive breakdown of costs associated with the assessment and livelihood program design, clearly showing the consultancy fees, expenses and any other relevant costs.)
  2. Provide proof of Ministry of Finance of Lebanon registration (Fiscal number)


Team and Qualifications

  1. Introduce the key team members who will be involved in the assessment and program design.
  2. Provide a summary of their relevant experience, expertise, and qualifications. 


Previous Experience

  1.  Highlight experience in conducting similar research and data platform related projects.
  2.  Include references and testimonials from previous clients.



Team Competencies


Project Management and Coordination

  1. Experience in managing similar socioeconomic development projects, preferably in a neighborhood/community context.
  2.  Ability to create and maintain detailed project plans, including timelines, milestones, and deliverables.
  3.  Strong organizational skills to coordinate different aspects of the assessment and program design.


Research and Data Analysis

  1. Proficiency in conducting various research methods, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and data collection.
  2. Experience in data analysis, interpretation, and presenting findings in a clear and actionable manner.
  3. Knowledge of relevant statistical tools and software for data analysis.


Socio Economic and Community Development Expertise

  1. Understanding of socioeconomic challenges and opportunities faced by underserved communities.
  2. Familiarity with community development principles and strategies to address local needs effectively.
  3. Knowledge of best practices in livelihood program design and implementation.


Skills Gap Assessment and Vocational Training

  1. Expertise in assessing skill gaps and identifying training needs for different target groups.
  2. Knowledge of vocational training methodologies and curriculum development.
  3. Understanding of labor market trends and industries with potential for growth in the neighborhood.


Market Research and Entrepreneurship

  1. Experience in conducting market research to identify income-generating opportunities.
  2. Knowledge of entrepreneurship development and experience in supporting the establishment of micro-enterprises.
  3. Ability to connect local entrepreneurs with potential financial support.


Education and Training Infrastructure

  1. Familiarity with the education and vocational training landscape within the community.
  2. Ability to assess the quality and capacity of existing educational institutions and training centers.
  3. Experience in establishing partnerships with educational organizations and stakeholders.


Community Engagement and Stakeholder Collaboration

  1. Strong communication and interpersonal skills to engage effectively with community members.
  2. Experience in conducting participatory workshops, focus groups, and community consultations.
  3. Ability to build partnerships and collaborate with local organizations, government agencies, and other stakeholders.
  4. Ability to design and run online campaigns to engage the community and promote the Labor Market Observatory Platform


Big Data Platform Development & Management

  1. Proficiency in relevant programming languages (such as Python, Java, JavaScript) and frameworks.
  2. Skilled in front-end and back-end development to create the user interface and platform functionality.
  3. Handling and processing large datasets related to labor market trends.
  4. Expertise in designing and managing databases for efficient data storage and retrieval.
  5. Intuitive and user-friendly interfaces to ensure a positive user experience.
  6. Skilled in visual design and layout to enhance the platform's aesthetics and usability.
  7. Data visualization expertise capable of creating informative and visually appealing graphs, charts, and interactive visualizations to present labor market insights.
  8. Understanding the nuances of labor market dynamics, trends, and socio-economic factors.
  9. Quality assurance for testing the platform's functionality, performance, and security.
  10. Ensuring ethical data privacy regulations and guidelines for handling of sensitive labor market data.
  11. Maintaining the technical infrastructure, servers, and ensuring the platform's scalability and uptime.



Social Inclusion and Gender Perspective

  1.  Understanding of social inclusion principles and strategies to ensure the participation of marginalized groups.
  2. Sensitivity to gender-related issues and ability to incorporate gender perspectives into program design.
  3. Experience in implementing projects that promote inclusivity and address social disparities.


How to apply

Please submit your technical proposal to undertake the above activities by sending an email to [email protected]. The candidate should submit a detailed proposal with the following components:

  • The candidate’s understanding of the TOR and the proposed methodology to conduct the assignment, including techniques and tools to be used
  • Financial Proposal
  • Copy of the CVs
  • List of previous clients for similar jobs
  • Copy of ID or passport
Wednesday, 23. Aug 2023
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):
Business & Economic Policy, Development, Labor & Livelihoods, Research & Studies, Social & Cultural Development