SRI International and the Social and Cultural Development Association (INMA), in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Trade (MOET), launched the High-Value Crop Diversification Project, which focuses on developing the cultivation of kiwifruit and seedless grapes in economically disadvantaged areas in Lebanon. The agreement,which was signed on Tuesday, October 2, 2007 at the Grand Serail, is financied by the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

Overall Objectives: 
During the July-August 2006 Israeli war on Lebanon, the USAID offered 25,000 tons of wheat for bread making, whereas the Ministry sold them through a public auction at 7191 million LBP. The amount collected was dedicated to agricultural development projects aiming at creating jobs for residents of rural areas. Several NGOs submitted their proposals, which were assessed by a joint committee from the MOET and USAID.
The following NGOs were shortlisted: ACDI/VOCA for its AMAR project, which aims at modernizing agriculture in rural areas through the development of feed production and the introduction of new fruits. The value of the grant reached 3.9 billion LBP. ARC-EN-CIEL for its project intended to increase market competition in the agricultural sector, by establishing agricultural awareness centers and markets across the country. The grant reached 2.5 million LBP. INMA for the High-Value Crop Diversification Project, aimed at launching 25 projects for the cultivation of kiwifruit and seedless grapes with a grant of 655 million LPB.In mid-October, INMA started to select the areas and farmers for its project. Works to plant the seeds will be carried out between November 15 and December 15, 2007. The new project by INMA is an extension to similiar projects previously implemented to support farmers in developing their production and increasing their revenues. Among these projects, is the kiwifruit project in the South in 2004, with the support of USAID.
Start Date
Mon, 01/10/2007 - 3:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations
Ministry of Economy and Trade (MOET)