PR567708 - Hiring an External Consultant for Labor Market and Skills Mapping Assessment SCUS Consortium- Final TOR and Selection Criteria

Please refer to the attached ToR.

How to apply

Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In Lebanon and around the world, we strive to give children a healthy start in life, access to education, and protection from harm. In times of crisis and every day, we work tirelessly to transform children's lives and the future we all share.

Save the Children International in Lebanon is pleased to invite submissions of tenders for the following consultancy service:

  • Hiring an External Consultant for Labor Market and Skills Mapping Assessment SCUS Consortium

Detailed technical specifications and requirements are outlined in the tender documents.

To express your interest and request the tender documents, please contact the Procurement Committee at Tender documents will be sent promptly upon request.

Important Deadlines:

• Requesting Tender Documents: As early as possible to ensure ample time for submission.

• Submission Deadline: Completed tender documents must be submitted no later than 16:00 (Beirut Local Time) on 15January 2025.”

Wednesday, 15. Jan 2025
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Children & Youth