Terms of Reference- Training of Trainer (ToT) on Career Guidance & Job Readiness Sessions

The Skills Training and Empowerment for Palestinian Youth  - STEP Project targets vulnerable and school dropout adolescents and youth who will develop essential 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration, while also addressing their specific learning needs and interests.

Also, it will stem from a rights-based, integrated, child-centered approaches to reach Palestinian young people, aged 14 to 24 with a package that promotes their learning, upskilling their vocational training and accessing job opportunities.
The project will be implemented within 7 Palestinian camps in four localities

Scope of work of the Training Expert

Under the overall supervision and guidance of Right To Play, the training provider will perform the following specific tasks:

  1. Career guidance sessions:
    • Design a syllabus for coaches to lead 6 sessions (1.5 hours each) on career guidance that includes six professions (Health care, Solar panels and electricity, Hospitality / cooking, social worker / Early childhood educator, Fine Arts: Photography, Graphic design, and Business management: marketing, human resources, entrepreneurship). Each session needs to orient the beneficiaries with the needed technical and life skills of the respective profession.
    • Conduct 2-day Training of Trainer (ToT) for the Sub-partner’s coaches on the drafted Career guidance syllabus.
  2. Job Readiness sessions:
    • Design a syllabus for coaches to lead 6 sessions (1.5 hours each) on Job readiness that covers the following topics: Develop interviewing skills, financial literacy, Career planning, Time management and work etiquette, Job search strategies, and Introduction to Entrepreneurship. Each session needs to orient the beneficiaries with the needed technical and life skills.
    • Conduct 2-day Training of Trainer (ToT) for the Sub-partner’s coaches on the drafted Job readiness syllabus.
  3. The ToT of Career guidance & Job readiness sessions will be delivered for three Sub-partner’s coaches in North, South, and Beirut.  
  4. Deliver an end report on the completed 6 trainings (2 days each). A total of 12 training days.


  • Career guidance & Job readiness training plans and modules are properly designed, documented, and delivered.
  • The training sessions will be delivered to 56 coaches identified from the sub-partners as follows:
    • Career guidance sessions: 28 coaches (7 coach per location, i.e., 7 in Tripoli North Lebanon, 14 in Tyre & Saida South Lebanon, and 7 in Beirut Lebanon)
    • Job readiness sessions: 28 coaches (7 coach per location i.e., 7 in Tripoli North Lebanon, 14 in Tyre & Saida South Lebanon, and 7 in Beirut Lebanon)  

Training Duration: 

  • The Career guidance ToT sessions are expected to be completed in 1 month (tentatively June 2023).
  • The Job readiness ToT sessions are expected to be completed in 1 month (tentatively July 2023).
  • Delivery of 6 days on-site 2 -day Career guidance ToT sessions located in North Lebanon, South Lebanon, and Beirut Lebanon.
  • Delivery of 6 days on-site 2 -day Job readiness ToT sessions located in North Lebanon, South Lebanon, and Beirut Lebanon.

Language Requirements

The working language for this service is Arabic and English, however, all reporting and communication shall be conducted in English unless otherwise stated. Being a hands-on training, the consultant should be able to communicate fluently in Arabic among the participants.

How to apply

Application Format

The following must be submitted to consider your applications: 

  • Technical Proposal including:
  • Cover Letter (explaining why you are the most qualified for this consultancy including previous experience undertaking similar assignment and when you will be available.)
  • Most updated Resume/CV of the consultant conducting the training.
  • Provision of two references: the consultant must provide name, organization and contact details and a brief description of the most recent consultancies in a similar field. Each reference provided should be the client’s responsible project administrator or a senior official of the client who is familiar with the consultant’s performance and work.
  • Financial Proposal – Indicate your overall budget – attached template (Please note that RTP will not be responsible for the consultant’s accommodation and travel expenses outside the operational area.)

Please send your proposal for the “Application of Training of Trainer (ToT) on Career Guidance & Job Readiness sessions” to the below email addresses. 

Kindly add both email addresses when sending full proposal documents. And make sure to send document in PDF format signed and stamped by company.

Deadline to submit TOR: Friday, 26th  May 2023

NB. Only qualified individuals will be contacted for this assignment.

Please note that this call for applications is contingent upon the successful awarding of the grant. If the grant is not awarded to Right To Play, we will not be able to proceed with the project. Therefore, the contract with the selected consultant(s) will be subject to the approval of the proposal from the donor.


Friday, 26. May 2023
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Training & Capacity Building
Remuneration range:
4000 to 5000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
2 months (subject to extension)