Banners/posters - Cluster Bomb Awareness Campaign

Banners/posters were created and printed on weather-resistant plastic and were distributed to NGOs in 149 villages in southern Lebanon which were affected by cluster bombs and hung in schools, public places, mosques, churches and on road at the entrances to the villages.

Overall Objectives: 
Increasing awareness of cluster bomb shapes and dangers and reducing the number of victims. Showing a new cluster bombs photo thrown by the Israel in last attack. Spread out the knowledge of cluster bomb dangers and shapes among people in different ages.
We feel that this activity went even better than expected. The quality of the design and printing were excellent. The photos used were current and taken in the area itself, underscoring the reality of the situation. The National De-Mining Office (of which PADC is a member) found our campaign to be the best they had seen and they commissioned the printing of an additional 330 posters (paid for by another association).
Start Date
Tue, 05/09/2006 - 3:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations
MCC Menonnite Central Committe