Artificial Membranes For Landmine Victims

The project objectives are entirely attained for the list that we dealt with (32 beneficiaries) but we hope that there will be further cooperation between us because the problem of mines and cluster bomb still existing and may affect a bigger number of victims.

There is 28 mine victims got 30 membranes noting that there is 2 persons who had an arm and a leg and 3 disabled are damaged during war and needed 3 paralysis instruments.

Also there are 4 women who got use of the project (2 membranes and 2 paralysis instruments)

Overall Objectives: 
Improve mine and cluster bomb victims psychological and social situation and re-inclusion them in the society. Develop victim s independence in the daily basis activities. Reduce victim s family economic burden. Prepare and rehabilitate victims to be a productive person in the society.
The implementation of PADC aims to cover all the needs of the disabled landmine and cluster bomb victims. The patients were so excited and cooperative with rehabilitation Physio-therapy sessions. They were responsible to attend in timetable for follow ups. As PADC, we didn t let any patient to sign in his/her artificial limbs application before he/she is 100% sure that they are comfortable.
Start Date
Sat, 17/03/2007 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations
Canadian Embassy