They are the heart of the Mouvement Social.
We see in them the future leaders of Lebanon, the agents of change for more social justice.

Our mandate is to enroll the biggest number possible of volunteers, train them to become active citizens and equip them with the gears to face life challenges and make a difference in their communities.
 "We believe that through these empowered youth volunteers, our society will reach development from within, taking full charge of its own destiny". First lines of Mouvement Social By-Laws - published in January 1961

This volunteering spirit has grown like a snowball at Mouvement Social. Groups and clubs were constituted, generations of volunteers have spread throughout the country, readily available to act.
A lot has been done with and for our volunteers, and the action goes on.

Overall Objectives: 
“The objective of the Mouvement Social is to rally young people who want to commit to social action, train them, ideologically and practically, so that they could contribute to solving the social problems of the country”.
Start Date
Wed, 01/05/1957 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations