The Long-Term Challenges of Forced Migration: Perspectives from Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq

The Syrian conflict has forcibly displaced more than 11 million people to neighbouring countries such as Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt, and elsewhere both regionally and globally. In a workshop held on 17–18 June 2016, the LSE Middle East Centre brought together a diverse group of people (policymakers from host states, representatives from international organisations, academics and NGOs practitioners) to explore the effects of the Syrian refugee emergency on Arab host states such as Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq. This volume brings together a set of papers presented at the workshop. It also provides a list of key recommendations relevant for all stakeholders and agreed upon by participants. A number of interrelated themes emerged during the workshop including, but not limited to, the unprecedented pressure placed on host states and its effects, the strain on resources and infrastructure in these regions, new policies and regulations narrowing the protection space for refugees, refugees’ right to work in host states, legal loopholes that cause statelessness or make stateless refugees a particularly vulnerable category. The publisher of his work, namely, the LSE Middle East Centre builds on LSE’s long engagement with the Middle East and provides a central hub for the wide range of research on the region carried out at LSE. The Middle East Centre aims to enhance understanding and develop rigorous research on the societies, economies, polities, and international relations of the region. The Centre promotes both specialised knowledge and public understanding of this crucial area and has outstanding strengths in interdisciplinary research and in regional expertise. As one of the world’s leading social science institutions, LSE comprises departments covering all branches of the social sciences.
The Middle East Centre harnesses this expertise to promote innovative research and training on the region. This compilation includes the following papers; Mireille Girard "Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: A Turning Point?," Hayder Mustafa Saaid "Syrian Refugees and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq", Rana B. Khoury "Refugees' Contentious Politics and the Case of Syrian Activists in Jordan," Geraldine Chatelard "Iraqi and Syrian Refugees in Jordan Adjusting to Displacement: Comparing their Expectations towards UNHCR and their Capacities to use their Educational Assets," Nasser Yassin "The Informal Adaptive Mechanisms among Syrian Refugees and Marginalized Host Communities in Lebanon," Kelsey Norman "Host State Responsibility and Capacity in Egypt, Morocco and Turkey," Ghida Frangieh "Relations Between UNHCR and Arab Governments: Memoranda of Understanding in Lebanon and Jordan," Zahra Albarazi "Syrian Refugee or Stateless Refugee: The Challenges of Statelessness in Exile," Rochelle Davis "Gendered Vulnerability and Forced Conscription in the War in Syria," Dawn Chatty "The Syrian Humanitarian Disaster: Understanding Perceptions and Aspirations in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey," and Francois Reybet-Degat "The Syrian Refugee Crisis: A Global and Regional Perspective."

LSE Middle East Centre
Publishing Date: 
Friday, 1 January 2016