A Practical Guide for Civil Society Organisations in Lebanon on Organisational Management

This guidebook aims to build the capacities of civil society organisations’ members, prepare them for using organisational management tools, and introduce them to good governance mechanisms.

It is divided into four main sections, with each section addressing topics related to CSO management and the different aspects thereof, as follows:

Section 1: Civil Society in Lebanon

Section 2: Good Governance and Leadership in CSOs

Section 3: Resource and Programme Management

Section 4: External Relations of CSOs

This guidebook was developed as part of “Ta’cir - Towards an Active Participation of Civil Society in The Reform Process” implemented by ACTED in partnership with Lebanon Support, Akkarouna, and Sheild, and funded by the European Union. It is published as part of the Civil Society Incubator, a programme by Lebanon Support.

The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action
Publishing Date: 
Thursday, 5 August 2021
Resource Type: 
Guides & Tools
Civil Society Development
Training & Capacity Building
In Association with: 
Civil Society Incubator