Breaking the political glass ceiling: Enhancing women's political participation in Lebanon

This policy brief was developed based on an in-depth report titled “Women’s Political Participation: Exclusion and Reproduction of Social Roles. Case Studies from Lebanon” in addition to discussions and insights gathered during a consultation workshop held on 8 November 2018, and which marked the participation of women who had taken part of the research, as well as activists, representatives of civil society organisations, and academics.

Drawing on this study, the aim of the policy brief presented here is twofold. First, it provides a synthesis of the study’s key findings. Second, it proposes action-oriented and practical recommendations to actors at the macro-level (Lebanese government, political elite), the mesolevel (the broader local and international civil society in Lebanon; civil society organisations; movements; syndicates), and the micro-level (women’s individual experiences), to help to address the barriers faced by women.

In addition, Lebanon Support has developed an infographic based on the research findings: "Barriers hindering women's full political participation in Lebanon".

The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action
Publishing Date: 
Friday, 23 November 2018
Resource Type: 
Democracy, Citizenship & Civic Rights