Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software


A.Organization Background

The Lebanon Reforestation Initiative (LRI) is a Lebanese NGO registered at the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities under no. 1186 on 18 June 2014 and had started as a project launched in 2010 by the United States Forest Service (USFS) Office of International Programs (IP) through the support and funding of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

LRI is currently implementing 3 projects, the USAID-funded LRI project that consists of 8 components: An outplanting component, a nursery component, a community engagement component, a mapping component, a quarry restoration component, a Firewise component, a private sector engagement component and a climate change component; the I-DVOCATE project funded by USAID through BALADI CAP, and a short-term WFP project on reforestation and forest management under their livelihoods program.


The purpose of this RFP is to contract with an esteemed IT services provider specialized in the supply and deployment of a business management solution software. The service provider will offer his expertise in designing and implementing an ERP software that digitalizes LRI’s financial, HR and procurement policies and procedures in order to:

  • Optimize finance and accounting systems and automate procurement and HR procedures
  • Increase the efficiency of the current workflow and processes and enhance the management of the related daily tasks and requests
  • Increase team productivity while saving time at many levels
  • Provide an improved reporting system responding to management inquiries 

A.Scope of Work

The service provider will undertake a series of tasks to develop a web-based Information System that will digitalize LRI’s administrative and operational activities. With regards to the deliverables mentioned below, the service provider will be expected to:

  1. Analyze LRI’s processes and requirements and identify the most suitable solution responding to the outcome
  2. Provide expertise on the technical aspect of the project, such as needed hardware and whether it’s best to have the solution on a local or an online server
  3. Develop the agreed upon ERP software
  4. Implement the software and migrate the previous Finance and Accounting data to the new System
  5. Train LRI’s staff on operating the new system within their assigned modules and responsibilities
  6. Provide support to LRI during the testing and monitoring phase of the implementation
  7. Provide yearly maintenance and updates of the adopted system


B.Software requirements

The ERP system should optimize the operational work and it includes the following modules:


  1. Financial (accounting Software) (3 users)
    1. General Ledger
    2. Accounts Payable
    3. Accounts Receivable
    4. Budgeting
    5. Cash and Bank
    6. Fixed Assets
  2. Procurement (17 users with different user rights)
    1. Purchase Request
    2. Purchase Order
    3. Quotations and Selection Analysis process
  3. HR and Payroll (17 users with different user rights)
    1. Organizational Chart and Positions
    2. Recruitment
    3. Leaves and Compensatory time worked
    4. Timesheet
    5. Time allocation
    6. Payroll
    7. Performance Appraisal


The total number of users: 17


The expected deliverables are:



Deliverable 1: Submission of Requirements documents

Deliverable 2: Implementation Plan

Deliverable 3: Implementation and Demos

Deliverable 4: Data Migration

Deliverable 5: Training of LRI users

Deliverable 6: Support and Solicitation of User Acceptance Tests (UAT)

Deliverable 7: User Manuals

Deliverable 8: Delta Migration and Go Live



LRI anticipates issuing a service agreement to the Service provider where the payment terms will be discussed and agreed on between both parties.



A.Instructions for Proposal Preparation

The selection committee will evaluate the Offerors based upon their written technical and cost proposals. Each section will be evaluated according to the criteria for evaluations in Section V. Offerors are expected to examine the specifications and all instructions in the RFP. Failure to do so is at the Offeror’s risk. Interested Offerors must provide the following:

1.Capability and Technical Experience Statement

Demonstrate capabilities and technical experience by providing the following:

  1. Capabilities Statement including your organization overview, company background, experience and areas of expertise that are particularly relevant and compatible to this RFP, description of products and/or services, management profile/s, major clients for the related service
  2. Project Approach
  3. Website

2.Cost Proposal 

Offerors will submit a proposed budget with their proposals via email labeled “ERP Software Proposal”. The proposed budget will have sufficient detail to allow evaluation of elements of costs proposed. Budgets should be submitted in US Dollars or LBP; please label your budget with the name of the currency. LRI reserves the right to request any additional information to support detailed cost and price.


Please include three client references and contact information. References should have worked with your organization within the past two years in connection with the countries or regions (and if possible, subject matter) applicable to this RFP.  


B.Instructions for Submission of Proposal

  1. The technical and price proposals shall be separately bound and identified as such (or sent via email). Each volume shall be clearly identified with the RFP number and the Offeror’s name.


All responses to this RFP must be received no later than to:


Lebanon Reforestation Initiative

Hazmieh, Ilham Said Freiha, Hazmieh Square, 4th floor


Joelle Salameh


[email protected]


Faxed offers are not acceptable.


  1. All inquiries and requests for information regarding this RFP must be submitted by email to the following individuals no later than the question/inquiry submission deadline on the cover page of this RFP.  Reference the RFP number in all questions/inquiries. 






Joelle Salameh


[email protected]


  1. Lebanon Reforestation Initiative will not compensate Offerors for their preparation of responses to this RFP.


LRI will evaluate proposals based on a best-value determination. Offerors should submit their most competitive price proposal. Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:



Weight (/100)

ERP responding to functional requirements, platform flexibility and scalability, ease of use for users


Provider’s previous experience and references for designing and implementing a business management software


Experience with non-profit organizations


Understanding of “Generally applied” Financial, HR and procurement policies and procedures


Long term financial and organizational sustainability to support LRI in future inquiries and technical support


Solid experience in training new users on operating the system


Proposed Price



The evaluation committee will review the technical proposal based upon the technical criteria listed above.  The cost proposals will be reviewed to ensure they are complete and free of computational errors. The committee will also assess the reasonableness of costs and the cost-effectiveness of the budget, and will determine whether the costs reflect a clear understanding of project requirements. A contract will be offered to the responsible Service Provider whose proposal follows the RFP instructions and is judged to be the most advantageous to LRI. 



Once the RFP is released, the Offerors must prepare a formal proposal to be sent to the contact person at LRI as indicated in Section IV (b) (1).  The submitted proposals will be reviewed against the criteria for evaluation defined in Section V above and rated on their ability to satisfy the requirements stated in this RFP document. A preferred service provider will be chosen and formally notified.  A formal contract will be negotiated with the selected service provider and, if endorsed, the Offeror will begin work on the project. 


A.Late Submissions

Proposals received after the submission deadline stated in the cover page of this RFP may not be considered. Offerors will be held responsible for ensuring their quotations are received according to the instructions stated herein. A late offer will be considered if the cause was attributable to LRI or its employees/agents, or if it is in the best interest of LRI.

B.Modification of RFP Requirements

LRI retains the right to terminate the RFP or modify the requirements upon notification to Offerors. 

C.Withdrawals of Proposals

Proposals may be withdrawn by written notice via email at any time before award. Proposals may be withdrawn in person by an Offeror or authorized representative, if the representative’s identity is made known and the representative signs a receipt for the proposal before award.

D.Right of Negotiation and Acceptance of Proposal

This RFP represents a definition of requirements and is an invitation for submission of proposals. LRI reserves the right to fund/award any or none of the submitted proposals. No commitment is made, either expressed or implied, to compensate Offerors for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of their proposal.

LRI may reject any proposal that is nonresponsive. A responsive proposal is one that complies with all terms and conditions of the RFP. A proposal must be complete, signed by an authorized signatory, and delivered no later than the submission time and date indicated on the cover sheet of this RFP. LRI may reserve the right to waive any minor discrepancies in a proposal.

LRI reserves the right to issue an award based on the initial evaluation of proposals without discussion. LRI also reserves the right to enter into best and final negotiations with any responsive Offerors for all or part of the proposed scope. 

E.Validity of Proposal

Proposals submitted shall remain open for acceptance for 60 days from the last date specified for receipt of proposals. This includes, but is not limited to, pricing, terms and conditions, service levels, and all other information. If your organization is awarded the contract, all information in the RFP and negotiation process is contractually binding.

F.Minimum Offeror Qualifications

Offerors submitting proposals must (1) be officially licensed to do such business in Lebanon, (2) be able to receive USAID funds and (3) not have been identified as a terrorist. In addition, Offeror may be required to provide the following information:

  • Documentation to verify licensure (e.g., tax id, registration certificate, etc.)
  • Demonstration of adequate management to perform the contract
  • Satisfactory records of performance history, integrity and business ethics

G.Intellectual Property Rights

All tangible or intangible property created or acquired under this contract shall be the exclusive property of LRI and the donor. The term “property” includes all data and reports associated with this engagement. Reference is made to Sections 12 and 13 in the business terms and conditions attached in Appendix A.


Appendix A: Technical Proposal Submission Sheet







aPPENDIX A. Technical Proposal Submission Sheet

(Complete this form with all the requested details and submit it as the first page of your technical proposal, with the documents requested above attached. Ensure that your proposal is authorized in the signature block below. A signature and authorization on this form will confirm that the terms and conditions of this RFP prevail over any attachments. If your proposal is not authorized, it may be rejected.)


Date of Technical Proposal:


RFP Number:


RFP Title:



We offer to provide the goods/services described in the Scope of Work, in accordance with the terms and conditions stated in Request for Proposal referenced above. We confirm that we are eligible to participate in public procurement and meet the eligibility criteria specified.


The validity period of our proposal is ____ days/weeks/months from the time and date of the submission deadline.

How to apply

  1. The technical and price proposals shall be separately bound and identified as such (or sent via email). Each volume shall be clearly identified with the RFP number and the Offeror’s name.


All responses to this RFP must be received no later than to:


Lebanon Reforestation Initiative

Hazmieh, Ilham Said Freiha, Hazmieh Square, 4th floor

Attention: Joelle Salameh

Email: [email protected]


Faxed offers are not acceptable.


  1. All inquiries and requests for information regarding this RFP must be submitted by email to the following individuals no later than the question/inquiry submission deadline on the cover page of this RFP.  Reference the RFP number in all questions/inquiries. 

Name: Joelle Salameh

Email: [email protected]


  1. Lebanon Reforestation Initiative will not compensate Offerors for their preparation of responses to this RFP.
Saturday, 28. Apr 2018
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):