نحو مفاهيم مغايرة للذكور - Towards Alternative Definitions Of Masculinity

In cooperation with Oxfam GB, and with the support of the European Union, Kafa - Enough Violence and Exploitation works since 2009 on developing strategies and interventions with men and boys to end gender-based violence through the white ribbon campaign.
On the occasion of the 16 days of activism to end violence against women Kafa considers that men should be involved in limiting and ending gender based violence, as standing against patriarchal society will also reflect positively on men and society in general. 
The patriarchal society, which puts men and women in predefined solid identities based on which behaviours are admitted and dissmissed based on what is accepted or nor, limits the freedom of both men and women to choose their own lifestyles as well as their own beleifs, behaviours and opportunities. Society expects individuals to cope with certain preset identities, and these epxctations include clothins, shape, attitudes and is not only limited to these but exceeds to determine what profession to take, and even how intimate relations should be formed and what dynamics exist between partners and friends, among others.

Kafa (Enough) Violence & Exploitation
Publishing Date: 
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Resource Type: 
Newsletter and/or Periodical
Culture & Tourism
In Association with: 
Oxfam GB, European Union