The Transnational Tobacco Industry Effectively Hampers Tobacco Control Policy-Making in Lebanon | Ifi Policy Series: Tobacco Control Research #1

Policy Series: Tobacco Control Research #1 | March 2012
The Transnational Tobacco Industry Effectively Hampers Tobacco Control Policy-Making in Lebanon by the AUB Tobacco Control Research Group (AUB-TCRG)
Lebanon is still considered one of the weakest countries in the region with regards to regulating tobacco use, despite having ratified the World Health Organisation’s Framework convention on Tobacco Control in 2005. Lebanon has failed numerous attempts to introduce a national tobacco control policy, including banning smoking in closed public areas, banning advertising and sponsorship, and placing large pictorial health warnings on tobacco products. The largest barrier to tobacco control remains the interference of the tobacco industry in the policy-making process.

Issam Fares Institute For Public Policy And International Affairs
Publishing Date: 
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Resource Type: 
Studies and Reports
Situation Report
Situation Report