Governance between Isolation and Integration A Study on the Interaction between Lebanese State Institutions and Palestinian Authorities in Shabriha Gathering, South Lebanon | Ifi Working Paper

Working Paper | June 2014
Governance between Isolation and Integration A Study on the Interaction between Lebanese State Institutions and Palestinian Authorities in Shabriha Gathering, South Lebanon by Nora Stel
I would also like to thank my supervisors, Prof. Dr. Naudé, Prof. Dr. Frerks and Dr. Van der Molen for their support and advice. I am grateful to the Hendrik Muller Fonds and the Lutfia Rabbani Foundation for awarding me grants for the fieldwork underlying this working paper. Thanks also go to Sima Ghaddar, whose rigorous editing has been invaluable. Most importantly, I am tremendously thankful to all the Palestinian and Lebanese people who helped me throughout my fieldwork by participating in interviews and focus groups, providing me with advice and documents and arranging all kinds of meetings and permits.

Issam Fares Institute For Public Policy And International Affairs
Publishing Date: 
Sunday, 1 June 2014
Resource Type: 
Studies and Reports