Sponsoring Indigent Orphans Within Their Families Program

To provide financial resources, and to organize children care programs for children who have lost their fathers or their parents, such programs shall be organized and coordinated in way that gives priority to the security of the family, thus the orphan would not leave school until graduation, marriage or finding a job.

Overall Objectives: 
a. Sponsoring the orphan within the family and the environment where he/she lives and preserving his/her dignity. b. Preserving the family ties and bonds among the members of a family after losing the sponsor. c. Eliminating deprivation that minor orphans would experience. d. Leading the orphans to achieve good educational levels . e. Diluting the impacts of orphanhood on orphans through integrating them with the society, and conducting guiding, educational camps for them, etc
The Association has counted 3950 children who have no sponsor (father). Files were made for those children individually. The Association has been sponsoring these children, providing them with education, nutrition, objective recreational activities, clothing, medical care and house restoration. This is usually done after finding donors who sponsor them. The program has been in existence since 1992. The Association has provided sponsorship for 3350 whereas 600 other children remain without any sponsorship as for today even though they are benefiting in a very limited way from the said program awaiting a sponsorship.
Start Date
Wed, 01/01/1992 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations
So far, the Ministry of Social Affairs has not recognized the programs of sponsoring orphans within their families and it is still adopting the sheltering program. Therefore, we have not entered into any partnership with them or with others up till now.