Expression of Interest – Invitation for Potential Partners on Climate Action in Lebanon

The IRC and its partners must adhere to the values and principles outlined in IRC Way - Standards for Professional Conduct. These are Integrity, Service, Accountability and Equality. In accordance with these values, the IRC operates and enforces policies on Beneficiary Protection from Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding, Anti Workplace Harassment, Fiscal Integrity, and Anti-Retaliation.

Background/IRC Summary:  

Founded in 1933, the International Rescue Committee is a world leader in relief, rehabilitation, and post-conflict development services for those uprooted or affected by violent conflict and oppression. The IRC is currently working in over 25 countries around the world, addressing both the immediate and lifesaving needs of conflict affected people in emergencies and the reconstruction needs of post-conflict societies. 

In response to the influx of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, in 2012 the IRC has launched a multi-sectoral relief program in Lebanon. The program provides assistance to refugees and host communities in Beirut, Mount Lebanon, the North, and Bekaa Valley in the fields of child protection, health, education, women’s protection and empowerment, protection, and economic recovery and development. IRC’s work in these challenging settings gives rise to some of the most pressing issues facing contemporary humanitarian action, including questions of access, security, funding and coordination. 

IRC and Climate Change: 


The IRC helps communities respond to the changing climate by mapping climate hazards and developing early warning systems, supporting community-led natural resource management and water conservation, and training people in sustainable livelihoods—all while putting women and girls’ needs at the center of our programs. 


Climate change is set to unleash lasting damage across the world—even if we succeed in limiting global warming. Paired with conflict and COVID-19, it is also dramatically worsening already dire situations around the globe. The time is now for all of us to become better stewards for the planet. 


The IRC Lebanon believes that realistic anticipation and mitigation of climate disasters is a requirement for sustainable economic growth. The economic recovery and development program ambitions is to streghthen existing market structures while mainstreaming climate and environment in any of its intervention. 


Partnership Approach: 

The Partnership Excellence for Equality and Results System (PEERS) comprises IRC’s strategy, principles, policy, guidance, process, and tools for delivering on this strategic ambition. PEERS enables IRC to define our role in each context in collaboration with local actors based on how we can best support, reinforce, and complement local actors and systems. It promotes long-term, principled, feminist partnerships that share power, resources, and learning and elevate the knowledge and expertise of each partner, to expand the impact and scale of each response. PEERS applies our core partnership principles of equality, complementarity, mutuality, solidarity, results-orientation, and humility in all aspects of our partnerships.   

Areas of Expertise: 

In line with our current and future strategic objectives, IRC Lebanon is mapping potential partners with experience in the field of climate action, including,mitigation and adaptation  to potentially collaborate to reach IRC’s strategic objectives. Academic, Social Ventures, Private sector and non-governmental and governmental organizations with expertise in the below, or other related fields, are highly encouraged to apply: Green economy (Green financing; sustainable Agriculture and Agroforestry; Green infrastructure and renewable energy; responsible tourism etc.); 

Circular economy (Upcycling; Circular waste management; Recycling etc.); 

Mitigation and preventative measures for climate disasters 

Waste Management  

Conducting environmental education and awareness and sensitization campaigns for mass audiences 

Advocacy and campaiging to influence climate policy  

Water Resources Management  

Ecosystem/Nature-based solutions  

Expertise in Community-based approaches/initiatives are particulary desirable 

This list is not exhaustive and we encourage organizations with additional relevant experience to apply. 

How to apply

Please fill this link with relevant information to your organization by Monday April 22, 2024:

Monday, 22. Apr 2024
Type of Call
Call for Applications
Intervention Sector(s):
Agriculture, Environment, Infrastructure & Services Rehabilitation, Labor & Livelihoods, Recovery and reconstruction