Moving, Packing, Warehousing And Storage

IRD is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization responsible for implementing relief, stabilization, and development programs worldwide.
Our mission is to reduce the suffering of the world’s most vulnerable groups and provide the tools and resources needed to increase their self-sufficiency.
Specializing in meeting the needs of communities emerging from conflict or natural disaster, IRD collaborates with a wide range of partners and donors ( , local organizations, and many others to deliver sustainable services. IRD has offices and activities in nearly 40 countries in Europe and Asia ( , the Middle East ( , Africa ( , the Americas ( , and Asia and the Pacific ( .
IRD works in seven key service areas ( : community stabilization, infrastructure, health, agriculture, democracy and governance, relief, and logistics.

Hereby, International Relief and Development, Inc. (IRD) - Lebanon is seeking quotations from qualified companies to move its desks, furniture, equipment, and supplies.

Kindly see the attached file.

We should be grateful for your informing us of the receipt of this RFP by return e-mail to [email protected] as to:

- Your Confirmation of receipt of this invitation to bid;

- Whether or not you will be submitting a proposal.

All questions relating to this Request for Proposal must be referred in writing to the following address [email protected]


Amine Al Aawar

Monday, 31. Jul 2017
Type of Call
Intervention Sector(s):