Call for Tender: Rehabilitation of 3 dispensaries: Tripoli social center - Karm El Zeitoun (Ashrafieh) - Mar Francis (Zahle)

International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) Funded by BMZ in partnership with Diakonie Katastrophenhlife (DKH), is soliciting a tender for the rehabilitation of the following dispensaries:

1- Mar Francis (Zahle)

2- Tripoli Social Healthcare Center

3- Karm el Zeitoun (Ashrafieh)

How to apply

To participate in this tender, companies must register through the following link:

Submission of offers in sealed envelopes is ONLY on 19 February 2024 between 9 am and 2 pm.

For inquiries, please contact us on: [email protected]

Monday, 19. Feb 2024
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):