Pink Floyd’S Roger Waters Donates Money To Help Syrian Refugee Rebuild Hands

Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters recently stepped in and donated the rest of the money needed to pay for medical treatment to rebuild Syrian refugee Fatima’s hands. The campaign to rebuild her hands had been running for ten months, and saw INARA raise over $50,000.

Fatima lost her hands in an explosion early on in the Syrian civil war. Her family had just finished having people over for dinner, and had just said goodbye, when they heard a loud bang. What happened next, neither Fatima nor her mother, Nafla, can remember. Nafla's next memory is running out of the house carrying her bleeding daughter.

When Fatima and her mother came into our office, they were resigned to the fact that Fatima had lost her hands, and would live the rest of her life this way.

However, an X-Ray at the American University Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC) revealed something astounding: the bones of Fatima’s hands were still intact within the stumps at the end of her arms.

Doctors explained that the improper management of Fatima’s wounds led to the skin healing around her injured hands, and enclosing what was left of them under scar tissue and new, stretched skin.

With a number of surgeries, the damage can be reversed, and with the help of finger-like prosthetics, doctors will be able to give Fatima her hands back.

So far Fatima has had four surgeries which have released the scar tissue on her hands. She still has a few more operations to go before doctors will be ready to add prosthetics onto the bones of her hands.

Once Fatima has her new hands, she looks forward to going back to school. She dreams of becoming a language teacher in the future, and wants to teach young children Arabic.

Roger Waters, said: “This is my right hand. I am lucky. I do not live in the middle of a war. We are all one family. Fatima is our family; she is our sister. Inshallah with our love we will help to restore her hands. Thank you INARA."

Sofia Karim, Programme Manager of INARA, said: “Fatima’s case was one of the biggest we’ve ever taken on at INARA. It was a big challenge because we needed to raise so much money. It’s taken us months but we’re so pleased to say we reached our goal now.

“So many people donated, and I just want to say a huge thank you to Roger and every single person who gave so generously to help Fatima. With your help we can provide much-needed life-altering medical treatment for refugee children from Syria.”

When a child is referred to INARA, there are two ways INARA might be able to help:
If there are humanitarian organizations within INARA’s network that already provide the medical treatment the child needs, INARA will refer these cases on and follow up with the organization If not, INARA fully finances the medical treatment that he or she needs - including the surgery, medication, medical equipment, physiotherapy and logistical costs such as transport.

Last modified: 
03/11/2016 - 12:40pm
Publishing Date: 
Thursday, 3 November 2016