INARA is proud to partner with UNICEF in Lebanon.
UNICEF has awarded INARA more than $100,000 over the next year. This money will expand the work that INARA is already doing on the ground in Lebanon with Syrian refugee children.
This UNICEF partnership allows INARA to work with more children from conflict areas who have catastrophic injury and are unable to access treatment due to war. INARA provides life-altering and life-saving medical care, and fills the gaps in medical access when it is not provided by other institutions or non-profits.
When a child is referred to INARA, there are two ways INARA might be able to help:
1) If there are humanitarian organizations within INARA’s network that already provide the medical treatment the child needs, INARA refers these cases on and follows up with the organization
2) If not, INARA fully finances the medical treatment that he or she needs - including physiotherapy, psychological support, and logistical costs such as transport.
In the one year since INARA launched, they have provided complex and long term medical treatment to 28 children. This medical treatment includes: reconstructive surgery, dental surgery, and intensive physiotherapy. In addition, they have also successfully referred 42 cases onto other humanitarian organizations in Lebanon.
The majority of the cases that INARA comes across are children who have sustained severe burns from living in the refugee context - for example Nada whose tent caught fire, and Rouba who knocked boiling tea over herself. They have also treated a number of other cases, including reconstructive surgery for Joud whose jaw was shattered when rockets landed on his street in Syria, and a hernia correction for Hamida who was caught in crossfire.
Sofia Karim, Programme Manager at INARA, said: “It’s fantastic to partner with UNICEF on the work that we do. The collaboration is a recognition of our hard work and determination to help refugee children.
“Here at INARA we keep coming to one key point: that the treatment we provide is so much more than just medical. It’s a reminder to these children that there are people out there who still care for them. Because of this, we’re seeing positive changes in the children we work with. Some are going back to school for the first time. Others are making new friends and re-engaging in the community. And some are starting to dream big for their futures. This money will do so much to help Syrian refugees here in Lebanon.”
“Syrian refugee children have not only been burdened by the psychological toll of the conflict in Syria but have suffered physically as well. Our partnership with INARA will help alleviate some of this suffering through the specialized service they facilitate,” said UNICEF deputy representative in Lebanon, Luciano Calestini. He added: “Most children who suffer major injuries from the conflict, or even in Lebanon, have few treatment options. This partnership is a step towards helping them overcome the lifelong consequences of their injuries and give them back the opportunity to reclaim their health and hope for a future.”


Last modified: 
18/08/2016 - 5:43pm
Publishing Date: 
Thursday, 18 August 2016