In collaboration with the Eastern Michigan University, ICOD is conducting a second national social values survey for Lebanon.
The Survey consists of conducting detailed face-to-face interviews all over Lebanon. The local researchers will conduct on-site surveys with three thousand respondents who will each get the chance to answer over 200 questions and point out to his/her own social values and preferences.

Overall Objectives: 
The Survey is an academic project that will be used to assess the state of socio-cultural, moral, religious and political values of seven countries in the region including Lebanon. The results will contribute to further analysis and comprehension of human social behavior and hopefully to the development of more focused programs and strategies aimed at improving social life and interaction and mitigating conflicts and violence.
The survey will be based on probability sampling theory. This means that we will choose each sampling unit that has a known and non-zero probability of selection into the sample, and that random chance will be the controlling factor in the selection of the sampling units. The survey will cover all six Lebanese governorates by targeting a gender balanced and a proportion to the size of the governorates sample. The sample will be represented with (30%) from Beirut, (20%) from Mount Lebanon, (20%) from the North, (10%) from Biqqa, and (20%) from the South and Nabatieth.
Start Date
Tue, 01/09/2009 - 3:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations
Eastern Michigan University, The University of Michigan and professors from the American University of Beirut.