This is a RFQ for a full day catering event taking place on September 3rd. Quotation should include below items: 
1)      On Going Coffee Break for around 140 attendee that Includes:
a)      Drinks (Hot (Black coffee, Coffee, Tea) & Cold (Juice, Soft Drinks, Water)
b)      Morning Break at 8 am : around 5 to 6 pcs / person with Salty and Sweets: Mini Manakich (Cheese, Zaatar), Mini Croissant (Almond, Cheese, Chocolate), Mini Muffins, Mini Doughnuts, Chocolate Chip Cookies or anything else
c)      Second Break at 11 am: around 4 to 5 pcs / person : 2 salty items and 2 to 3 sweets
PS: 1) I would like to have other selections, 2) Coffee/tea should stay for the whole event. At least till after lunch
 2)      Lunch break for around 100 attendee that Includes:
a)      Drinks (Soft Drinks and Water)
b)      Preferably packed in a take-away bag: Salad (Greek or Pasta salad) (Dressings to be put on the side for the person’s selection), 2 type of sandwiches, 1 type of desert
3)      Cocktail  for around 100 attendee that Includes:
a)      No alcohol. Drinks:  Juices
b)      Well decorated !
c)      Sweet and Salty Canapé (Around 5 to 6 pcs / person)
Number of Attendees is subject to a +/- 5-10%. It will be confirmed a week before the event.
Contact person for RFQ is Ms. Myriam Abi Hatem. Quotation should be sent to:

Add to my Calendar Rfq | Full Day Catering Event   This is a RFQ for a full day catering event taking place on September 3rd. Quotation should include below items:    1)      On Going Coffee Break for around 140 attendee that Includes:   a)      Drinks (Hot (Black coffee, Coffee, Tea) & Cold (Juice, Soft Drinks, Water) b)      Morning Break at 8 am : around 5 to 6 pcs / person with Salty and Sweets: Mini Manakich (Cheese, Zaatar), Mini Croissant (Almond, Cheese, Chocolate), Mini Muffins, Mini Doughnuts, Chocolate Chip Cookies or anything else c)      Second Break at 11 am: around 4 to 5 pcs / person : 2 salty items and 2 to 3 sweets   PS: 1) I would like to have other selections, 2) Coffee/tea should stay for the whole event. At least till after lunch    2)      Lunch break for around 100 attendee that Includes:   a)      Drinks (Soft Drinks and Water) b)      Preferably packed in a take-away bag: Salad (Greek or Pasta salad) (Dressings to be put on the side for the person’s selection), 2 type of sandwiches, 1 type of desert     3)      Cocktail  for around 100 attendee that Includes:   a)      No alcohol. Drinks:  Juices b)      Well decorated ! c)      Sweet and Salty Canapé (Around 5 to 6 pcs / person)   Number of Attendees is subject to a +/- 5-10%. It will be confirmed a week before the event. Contact person for RFQ is Ms. Myriam Abi Hatem. Quotation should be sent to: Organizer 2016-06-23 03:00:00 2016-06-23 03:00:00 Asia/Beirut public
Start/End Date and Time
Thu, 23/06/2016 - 3:00am
Event Location:
Event Type:
Workshop / Round Table