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Hand To Equip , Learn & Protect
Association: Hand to Equip , Learn and Protect
A humanitarian organization seeks to promote the local community for the better by targeting all segments of society, developing their capacities and creating a supportive awareness environment for the rights and protection of the child.
The Association shall operate independently of any party or political orientation that affects all individuals regardless of their religion, color, sex or nationality.
The Association was established in 2016 and received a statement of Legal Registration ID Number No. 2033 in 2017.
Location: Tal Meyen - Akkar
Work place/Implementation: All villages and towns of Akkar
Goals: educational, health, cultural, humanitarian and environmental.
1. Raising awareness on the rights and protection of the child.
2- Building and developing the capabilities of the members of society and integrating marginalized groups.
3. Working on the development of community resources.
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