FEMALE Sub-granting Opportunity: Call for Proposals

Project Background and Objective of this Call:

       FEMALE is a grassroots feminist organization dedicated to fostering a just and safe world for women and girls in all their diversities. Through initiatives focusing on social-behavioral changes, movement building, knowledge production and dissemination, and policy reform, FEMALE strives to advance feminist causes.

       As part of our commitment to supporting and strengthening young feminists locally and regionally, FEMALE is pleased to announce an upcoming sub-granting opportunity. We invite formal and informal groups or initiatives led by women and girls in all their diversities to submit proposals for projects addressing feminist issues, particularly focusing on sexual and reproductive health and rights, gender-based violence, or feminist organizing. 

       If you are a women or girl-led initiative/group/organization based and operating in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, Palestine, or Iraq with a project idea you wish to pursue, kindly submit your application by adhering to the provided guidelines and details. The deadline for submissions is April 10th, 2024.


Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applicants are a group, institute, or organization that is led by women and girls in all their diversities, and are between the ages of 15-32.
  • Applicants are a group or individual that adopts a feminist vision in it's work
  • Applicants are a group, institute, or organization that targets women, girls, youth, and other marginalized groups, including LGBTQIA+ communities, people living with disabilities, migrant workers, or refugees in local communities or at a regional level in the SWANA region.
  •  The applicant is established in Egypt, Tunisia, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, or Iraq.
  •  The applicant is directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action
  •  The applicant’s project will focus on feminist topics related to, but not limited to, feminist issues. gender-based violence, feminist organizing, and sexual and reproductive health and rights
  • Applicants are a formal or informal group, association or individual, registered or unregistered with an annual budget that doesn’t exceed 150,000 USD

Budget Allocation:

  • Each sub-grantee will receive a maximum of 6000 Euros (transfer charges will be deducted).

How to apply

How to Apply:

  • Applicants must complete the following annexes:
  • Annex-A: Sub-Grant Application Form
  • Annex-B: Budget Applications must be submitted in English or Arabic. Please attach all required supporting documents, including CVs of two key members, application, and budget breakdown.

Deadline and Details for Submission:

Please send your applications, budget and all supporting documents in 1 email to info@fe-male.org with
the subject “Sub-Granting Proposal” no later than April, 10th, 2024.
Please note that we may contact short listed candidates for one-on-one interviews.
All applicants will be informed of the final selection by May, 10th, 2024.
Accepted candidates will be invited to a virtual kick-off meeting to launch the sub-granting process.

Wednesday, 10. Apr 2024
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness, Citizenship, Communications & Media, Gender issues, Women Status & Issues