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Embassy Of Netherlands In Lebanon
Both Lebanon and the Netherlands are small states surroun- ded by powerful neighbors, yet both sustain independent, innovative economies that thrive on tolerance and open- mindedness. Our two countries hold strong ties in various sources of trade, and retrieve mutual inspiration from branches as design and innovative technology. The Netherlands is proud of this cooperation, and hopes to maintain and expand this strong partnership with Lebanon in upcoming years. But Dutch-Lebanese cooperation is not limited to the economic arena.
An important element of our foreign policy in Lebanon is centered on providing support to maintain Lebanon’s peace, security and culture of human rights. Lebanon is a unique state in the Middle East, lauded for its press freedom, its founding membership of the United Nations, and its ratification of a vast number of human rights treaties. Characterized as tolerant, freedom-cherishing, and overtly hospitable towards outsiders, Lebanon is one of the few democracies in the region. The Netherlands strongly supports these key hallmarks of Lebanon.
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