Project Evaluation Consultant
Proposals should be submitted via email. Please mark the email "Project Evaluation Lebanon." Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.
Drosos Foundation is looking for an evaluation consultant to conduct an evaluation of the project “Enhancement of the social and economic conditions of the most vulnerable for a better community” in Southern Lebanon.
The evaluation is planned to start in September 2017.
The partner of the project: SHEILD
SHEILD was founded in Lebanon in 2010. Their mission is to bring relief to the most vulnerable groups in the south of Lebanon, including refugees and those suffering from the absence of governmental health, social care and protection. Focusing on direct assistance and community-based interventions, their approach is to build relationships with community groups to respond to their most pressing needs. SHEILD’s main fields of intervention include the social, economic, health, and educational sectors. The organization has grown rapidly in the past few years and currently runs a large number of both emergency and development projects. Drosos Foundation first worked with SHEILD in 2011 and has since played a key role in building and strengthening the organization.
Project Start: February 1, 2015
Project Duration: 36 months
Location: Southern Lebanon
Donor/Financial Partner: Drosos Foundation
Drosos Foundation is committed to enabling disadvantaged people to live a life of dignity. Together with partner organisations, it develops and supports projects that have a direct bearing on the effective and sustainable improvement of living conditions, and seeks, wherever it is involved, a long-term impact.
Drosos Foundation focuses on the development of life skills of disadvantaged children, young people and young adults through promoting creativity and economic independence. It is convinced that life and technical skills are key elements in personal development as they empower individuals to take control of their lives and make a positive contribution within their community.
Drosos Foundation was established in Switzerland in 2003. It owes its existence to a private endowment and is acknowledged as a non-profit organisation. It is ideologically, politically and religiously independent. The Foundation is active in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia as well as in Switzerland and in the eastern parts of Germany.
Summary of the Project
Drosos Foundation has supported SHEILD’s project “Enhancement of the social and economic conditions of the most vulnerable for a better community” since 2015. The goal is to strengthen the economic independence of some of the most vulnerable families in the south of Lebanon. The beneficiaries of the project are ex-prison inmates, the families of inmates or ex-prison inmates, and vulnerable women, in particular widows and divorced women. These groups of people find it particularly challenging to find employment to support their families.
The project uses a system of conditional grants that allows individuals to set up small-scale business enterprises and earn a small income. SHEILD also provides technical assistance when needed to facilitate the process of starting and running a small business.
During the first phase of the project 60 families received technical, business and financial support to start their own businesses. During a second phase, another 30 families were added to the project. In total, 90 families have benefitted from the system of conditional grants which allows them to set up a small business enterprise to generate a modest income and gain financial independence.
Evaluation Purpose and Objectives
The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the success and impact of SHEILD’s objective to enhance the economic conditions of vulnerable families in the south of Lebanon.
The first part of the evaluation will specifically assess and analyse the success of the model of conditional grants provided to beneficiaries to establish small businesses. This will include looking at the social and economic impact on the lives of the beneficiaries, but also an analysis of SHEILD’s project strategy and methodology when providing conditional grants to vulnerable groups.
The second part of the evaluation will look more broadly at ways to develop/replicate the project given the particular context (geographic, economic, cultural etc.) and the type of beneficiaries targeted.
To be addressed by the evaluation
Part one (project specific):
The process of the setting up of small businesses including selection criteria for businesses/beneficiaries, assessment, and Standard Operating Procedures (SoPs) established. The system of conditional grants established, including repayment methods, etc.
Evaluation of a selection of 20 businesses among the 90 established according to sector. The 20 businesses chosen should include a mix of the first phase (i.e. the first 60 businesses) and the second phase (the 30 newer businesses). To be evaluated:
The impact on the income of the beneficiary (including impact on household income, support to family, economic independence and perception in communities)
The social impact (if any)
The experience of collaboration
The experience with conditional grants
The development of the business (which one developed well, based on which criteria)
Evaluation of support to individual businesses: SHEILD field support, support in training if needed, and process of identification of needs in support in training.
Was the support provided to the businesses sufficient?
Are there specific areas of the project that can be made more efficient?
Project challenges and opportunities
What was challenging for SHEILD when implementing the model of conditional grants and the setting-up of small businesses?
Were there any unexpected successes?
What were the major factors that have influenced the achievement or non-achievement of the project’s objective(s)?
Which elements of the project design were particularly favourable for business support?
Part two (context):
When running a business, what are the challenges and/or opportunities given the social exclusion experienced by the beneficiaries?
If another target group were to be considered for the project, could the same methodology/process of setting up of small businesses be applied?
For the success of the project, how important is it that the partner is well connected to the community?
Is the context in the south of Lebanon (e.g. social, political, economic, or cultural factors) conducive to this kind of development model?
In the specific regional context, were there factors that were particularly favourable for this type of business design and beneficiaries?
What factors would have to be considered if the project were to be replicated in other parts of Lebanon?
The evaluation shall be participatory. The methodological approach will be designed by the evaluator in coordination with SHEILD and Drosos Foundation in order to adapt to the requirements and purposes of this assignment, and will include:
Preparation and preliminary desk study: The evaluator shall study the project documents, the narrative and financial reports to Drosos Foundation and any other document that might be relevant and provided by SHEILD and/or Drosos Foundation.
Evaluation Plan: The evaluator shall present a detailed evaluation plan to SHEILD and Drosos Foundation 2 weeks after the start of the mandate. The plan shall cover the following aspects:
Identification of 20 direct beneficiaries of the project (20 small business owners) to be evaluated
Identification respondents to survey and participants in focus group discussions
Identification of individuals to be interviews
Design of questions for interviews, focus group, and/or surveys.
Timeline (field visits, etc)
Project visit & data collection: The evaluator is expected to spend several days with both SHEILD staff and project beneficiaries to collect qualitative and quantitative data.
One-day workshop with SHEILD at the end of the evaluation period to share findings and recommendations.
Responsibilities and qualifications required
The evaluator, or the evaluator team, is responsible for his/her own logistical arrangements as well as organising meetings and interviews with the support from the project partner.
The evaluator should have the following qualifications:
Advanced degree in social science.
Specific experience and expertise in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in a development context. Knowledge of micro-credits and grants models is a significant advantage.
Strong knowledge of the NGO sector in Lebanon.
Knowledge of the social/cultural/economic context in Lebanon, especially in the south.
Extensive knowledge of participatory monitoring and evaluation methodologies and approaches.
Minimum 7-10 years professional expertise in international development co-operation, economic development, impact assessment and strategic recommendations for continued support/development of programming/strategies.
Excellent communication skills in English and Arabic.
Demonstrated analytical, communication and report writing skills.
Proven track record to deliver high quality reports and on time.
Excellent interviewing skills.
Deliverables and Schedule
The evaluation shall take place between September 2017 and December 2017 according to the tentative schedule below.
The offer should include an outline of the methodology, a comprehensive work plan with deliverables and detailed budget for the mandate as well as CV and competences of the evaluator.
September 2017
Start of contract
Desk review of project document, reports and other relevant documents review by evaluator(s)
Evaluation design, development of draft tools and elaboration of process methodology
Work plan
October 2017
First of two briefing sessions: a first one shall be organized with SHEILD and Drosos Foundation
Field visits
November 2017
Development of draft report
Second briefing Drosos Foundation
Finalization of draft evaluation report and summary
Workshop with SHEILD (mid-December)
Draft report for comment.
1-day workshop
December 2017
Final report
Final report
The final Evaluation Report in English submitted by 15 December 2017 should include the following:
Executive Summary
Presentation of findings
Overall assessment of project implementation
Annexes: A list of consulted stakeholders, key documents, the ToR, surveys, etc.
Daleel Madani, the civil society network, serves as a platform for organisations to post their professional opportunities, but is not involved in the recruitment process. The hiring organisation is solely responsible for the job and candidate selection.