Danmission is seeking an External Evaluator to support the Evaluation of “Hiwarouna - Interfaith and intercultural dialogue” project, which is a 3-years regional programme in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq contributing to cultural and religious pluralism, tolerance and peaceful coexistence. You can find the Request for Quotation (that includes the Terms of Reference) attached to the page of the call.

Danmission is a 200-year-old Danish faith-based organisation working across 12 partner countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Danmission’s vision is to ‘promote SUSTAINABLE EXISTENCE – for a world people can live in and PEACEFUL CO-EXISTENCE – for a world people can live in together’. Danmission has been present in the Middle East since approximately 1904. Registered locally in Lebanon, Danmission supports and implements projects and activities focused on dialogue, social cohesion, as well as on the prevention of violent extremism (PVE), women in religion, active and inclusive citizenship, education, and human rights.

How to apply

Danmission invites all interested and qualified candidates and consultancy firms to submit their applications no later than September 09th, 2021, (extended deadline) including a detailed Technical and Financial Bids along with the following  documents:

  • Curriculum vitae and/or resume
  • Proposed work-schedule
  • The names and addresses (including telephone and e-mail) of two non-related referees
  • Sample size
  • Sample of previous evaluations (reports related to the topic)

The technical bid should include the evaluation plan, detailed schedule and timeline, methodolgy, sampling, tools, and any other relevant information.

The application should be sent to the following email address: [email protected].

The application should consist of two files: The technical offer and the financial offer.

For any clarification, you can contact: [email protected]

Contact person: Charbel Matar, Programme Manager, MENA


Thursday, 09. Sep 2021
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Children & Youth, Citizenship, Conflict Resolution, Democracy & Civic rights, Peace & Security
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
3 months