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COMI - Cooperation for the Developing World
COMI is a non-governmental organisation, composed of professionals and volunteers who lend their commitment and professionalism to implement projects in countries in the South of the world and in Italy. It was founded in 1973, out of the experience of the Cooperatrici Oblate di Maria Immacolata (COMI), a women’s missionary institute with a long-standing presence in Africa. The following year it joined Focsiv, the Italian Federation of Christian Organisations of International Volunteering, and obtained recognition from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 2016 it obtained recognition as CSO – Civil Society Organisation from the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.
COMI’s Mission is to take charge of integral human development in the world’s poorest countries by promoting their autonomous and conscious growth, respecting different cultures and favouring an equal exchange of values
COMI’s Vision is that of a world which has conquered poverty in its multiple aspects through sharing and solidarity lived out in the work and daily activities of peoples, removing the causes which generate injustice in concrete implementation of the Gospel message.
The values that guide us are solidarity, lived out in daily work and interdependence among all, that is, the certainty that we belong to a single human family and that the good of the other is also our own good.
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