Community Support Program (CSP) - RFQ# TO2-20-12 / Request for Proposal for Recycling Awareness Intervention in Berqayel - North Lebanon

Chemonics International Inc. is a lead global implementer for programs funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Chemonics Beirut is implementing a USAID program in Lebanon, the Community Support Program (CSP).

As part of the USAID-funded Community Support Program in Lebanon (CSP), Chemonics is inviting firms to submit proposals for Recycling awareness Intervention in Berqayel - North Lebanon. 


How to apply

Interested firms may request the RFP documents by sending an email to [email protected]  with "TO2-20-12"; Recycling Awareness Intervention" in the email subject line.

The deadline for submitting your proposals is at 4:00 PM, 31st of January, 2020.





Friday, 31. Jan 2020
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):