Agriculture and Rural Empowerment (ARE) Activity - APS#001 / Annual Program Statement - MOD#003 is now available

Chemonics International is an international development company based in Washington, D.C. Our mission is to promote meaningful change around the world to help people live healthier, more productive, and more independent lives. Since 1975, we have worked in 150 countries around the world, and we are currently implementing 118 projects in 84 countries. Our main partner is the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and we also work with foreign donors such as the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the Global Fund. We have more than 4,000 staff in our project offices around the world, and more than 500 staff based in our headquarters in Washington, D.C.

About the USAID-Funded Agriculture and Rural Empowerment (ARE) Activity in Lebanon: 

The USAID-funded Lebanon Agriculture and Rural Empowerment (ARE) Activity, implemented by Chemonics International, aims to develop rural economies in Lebanon through support to the agri-food sector and other industries to unlock local and export sales potential while also creating jobs and increasing farmers' and workers' incomes. 

Description of Annual Program Statement (APS)

ARE will address the development of agribusiness sector and other rural economic sectors, through technical and financial support to industry firms and other stakeholders that are active in the following agriculture and non-agriculture value chains (VCs): Produce, Fresh & Processed (Vegetables, Legumes, Herbs, & Processed plant-based foods and ready-to-eat meals), Dairy and Fodder/Forage (Small Ruminant Focus), Stone Fruits (inc. Avocado), Table Grapes, Wine and Arak and Tourism (Gastronomy & Wine Tourism, Agro/Eco-Tourism Focus).

ARE is accepting concept notes from industry firms and other stakeholders, referred to in the APS as “Champion Firms”, for co-creation and implementation of joint, market-led  interventions addressing market realities and opportunities to improve the functioning of supply chains within the above stated VCs.  The partnership with successful champion firms will be managed through Partnership Framework Agreements (PFA).

The grant(s) derived from the PFA(s) will be awarded and implemented in accordance with USAID and US Government regulations governing grants under contracts and ARE’s internal grant management policies.

Please refer to the full APS found under “Related Documents” Section.

How to apply

Concept notes and relative supporting documents specified in the Annexes should be submitted in electronic format ONLY to the ARE grants team email address: [email protected] and should reference in the Subject Line: “APS No.001”. ARE will continue to accept concept notes through 18:00 local time, on 18th November 2021 or until funds are no longer available.

Questions concerning this solicitation can be submitted to the attention of Nicole Tager, Senior Grants and Procurement Manager, via email to [email protected]. Emails will be answered within 10 working days.


Following these sessions, ARE will be rolling out group coaching sessions (one-hour duration) for interested applicants to provide a detailed walkthrough of the concept note application process and principles behind ARE’s programming. Interested applicants are requested to fill in the questionnaire under this link, that will allow us to capture more the major topics that will be covered during the coaching sessions. And we will contact soon to schedule the group session.


APS#001 was modified on December 23, 2020- please refer to Modification #001 of the APS in the "Related Documents" Section.  All changes are highlighed in yellow for easier reference. 


APS#001 was modified on April 7, 2021- please refer to Modification #002 of the APS in the "Related Documents" Section.  All changes are highlighed in green for easier reference. 


ARE is rolling out group information sessions (one-hour duration) for interested applicants to provide a detailed walkthrough of the project and principles behind ARE’s programming.

If you are intrested to attend a session, please send an email to [email protected] with your contact details including information about: 1) the business you represent and the Value Chain that you work on, 2) your position and 3) mobile number. Accordingly, you shall receive an invitation from ARE in due time.


APS#001 was modified on August 24, 2021- please refer to Modification #003 of the APS in the "Related Documents" Section.  All changes are highlighed in blue for easier reference. 

Thursday, 18. Nov 2021
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):