Borderless NGO is an independent non-profit organization with a mission to create a life changing impact on the lives of underprivileged children, youths, and women by harnessing the power of humanity across borders.

We are dedicated to inspiring and empowering individuals by linking them to skills and experiences from the global community. We believe that all individuals have the power to raise themselves out of any situation.

Borderless NGO is keen on providing all necessary tools to help eradicate the exploitation of children, youths, and women from underprivileged societies, save them from the traps of modern-day slavery, and equip them with the means for a better future. We are very much aware of the complex weave that is society; this is why we believe that our goals can only be achieved by extending our work to the entire community. Our goal is to strengthen entire communities by improving the existing socio-economic fabrics that will benefit everyone.


This Request for Proposal (RFP) is an invitation to companies/firms/individuals to submit proposals for a MEAL consultant for Borderless NGO. The intent is to obtain information leading to the selection of an appropriate candidate that will best meet the needs of the organization.
Respondents who are selected for further consideration will be invited to live interview to finalize the selection.

About the organization

Borderless is a non-governmental organization (NGO) with a mission to uplift marginalized communities, particularly in Lebanon. Our vision is to address structural barriers to overcoming hardships faced by disadvantaged and at-risk populations, including patterns of discrimination, lack of access to essential services, conflict, and social disorder. Our focus areas include providing support to children, youth, and women through integrated programs aimed at education, livelihood, protection, advocacy, and capacity-building.

Assignment Overview

The MEAL Improvement project aims to enhance our Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) systems to better track and assess the impact of our programs and projects. The selected consultant will be responsible for conducting a comprehensive assessment of our current MEAL framework, developing data collection tools, enhancing data analysis capabilities, and providing guidance on program evaluation.


Tasks and Deliverables


The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:


Conduct a thorough assessment of our current MEAL systems, data collection tools, and data analysis processes.

Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) in our existing MEAL framework.


Develop Data Collection Tools:

Design and develop user-friendly data collection tools tailored to our programs and projects.

Ensure the tools are adaptable for both online and offline data collection.


Data Analysis Capability Enhancement:

Provide training to our MEAL team members in advanced data analysis techniques.

Enhance our data analysis capacity to derive actionable insights from collected data.


Reporting and Visualization:

Develop customized dashboards or reporting templates for data visualization.

Enable our team to generate real-time reports for various stakeholders.


Guidelines and Documentation:

Develop MEAL department guidelines and document the improved MEAL processes, data collection tools, and analysis techniques for future reference.


Feedback and Complaint Mechanism:

Establish a robust feedback and complaint mechanism to facilitate timely and constructive communication with beneficiaries.

Provide training to our team members on handling feedback and complaints and addressing concerns to enhance the quality of services.


Introduction to Program Evaluation:

Explain fundamental evaluation concepts, including impact assessment, indicators, and methodologies.

Guide on crafting clear and impactful evaluation reports that effectively communicate findings to diverse stakeholders.

Offer guidance in analyzing and interpreting evaluation data, emphasizing the identification of trends, patterns, and actionable insights.


MEAL for Emergency Projects:

Explore rapid assessment methodologies to swiftly gather essential data during the initial phases of emergency response.

Develop strategies for designing adaptive monitoring and evaluation frameworks that can evolve in response to the dynamic nature of emergencies.


Focused Group Discussion (FGD):

Provide guidance for developing effective FGD protocols, including the formulation of open-ended questions and strategies for encouraging participant engagement.

Demonstrate effective data collection methods during FGDs, including note-taking, audio recording, and capturing non-verbal cues.

Offer guidance on accurate transcription and translation processes to ensure fidelity in the analysis phase.

Conduct sessions on structuring FGD reports, including the incorporation of key findings, participant quotes, and actionable recommendations.


Develop the Community Perception Tracker (CPT) Tool


The Assignment should be completed between the mid of February 2024 to October 2024


Skills and Experience Required

Applicants should possess the following qualifications and experience:

A degree in a relevant field (e.g., social sciences, statistics, development studies).

Demonstrated experience in conducting MEAL assessments and developing data collection tools.

Expertise in data analysis and visualization software.

Strong facilitation and training skills.

Familiarity with program evaluation methodologies.

Previous experience in working with humanitarian or development organizations is desirable.

Minimum of 5 years of experience in MEAL.

Ability to produce high-quality deliverables while understanding the needs of the organization.

Strong verbal and written communication skills in Arabic and English.


Required Documents

Interested candidates should submit the following documents by the specified deadline:

Cover letter

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Samples of previous work (reports, data analysis, training materials)

Methodology for MEAL Improvement (max. 2 pages)

Financial offer in USD

How to apply

Please send the required documents to [email protected] by 29-Mar-24. Include "MEAL Consultant" in the subject line and specify how you learned about this opportunity. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

This TOR aims to guide the selection process for a qualified MEAL Consultant who will contribute to improving our organization's monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and learning processes.
Firm / Companies / Individuals who are interested in submitting their proposals should submit an interest request email to [email protected] to receive the proposal documents related to this purchase.

Friday, 29. Mar 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Training & Capacity Building
Remuneration range:
2000 to 3000 (USD)