Human Rights Conditions in Lebanon - Civil Society Considerations in Light of Universal Periodic Review
This publication is a compilation of reports prepared by group of civil society organizations in light of the review of Lebanon under the first-cycle of Universal Periodic Review(2010). The organizations are mentioned inside the publication according to the report they participated in preparing or supporting. The universal periodic review is one of the new mechanisms adopted by the United Nations to examine the commitment of states in implementing international covenants and conventions concerned with human rights. The Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND) considers this mechanism as a working tool for civil society organizations to hold governments accountable for their commitments, based on international laws and codes and in comparing those to the national operative laws. Civil society’s role in monitoring public policies and its implementation, and comparing it to the Human Rights Charter has become one of the urgent tasks contributing to needed reforms on various political, economic, social, and educational levels. In order for civil society groups to have an effective role in comprehensive reform processes, it is essential to work towards forming national coalitions or frameworks for cooperation that assist in increasing the number of concerned parties that can work together on reviewing the human rights conditions in specific sectors, which are covered by the Human Rights Charter and conventions. Such collaborations provide civil society’s work and data with credibility.