Requires a Cover Letter?: 
Application Submissions Guideline: 

Mode of Application

The proposal shall be submitted on this link before October 1, 2023. Kindly, note that all documents shall be submitted in 1 joint single pdf document.

Contact Person Email: 

Terms of Reference


Background and Context

ANND is an independent, democratic and civil network, established in 1997, aimed at strengthening and empowering civil society and promoting the values of democracy, respect for human rights and sustainable development in Arab countries. Which is all consistent with the International Bill of Human Rights and the freedom and dignity of the individual, respect for pluralism, equitable distribution of wealth, preservation of the cultural heritage of the region, and to achieve the development priorities of local communities.

ANND consists of 9 national networks and 23 NGOs operating in 12 Arab countries.

ANND’s work is organized according to three main areas:

Strengthening the capacity and the role of CSOs in advocacy and lobbying in the field of economic and social policy- making in the Arab region; 

Strengthening the spaces available for CSOs' participation in economic and social policy-making at the national, regional, and international levels; 

Promoting and developing the knowledge materials available in the Arab region related to the role of civil society.

ANND is looking for a consultant to develop a digital policy.  


Purpose and Objective:

The purpose of this consultancy is to develop a comprehensive digital policy for ANND, designed to govern the responsible and secure use of digital technologies and data within the organization. The primary objective is to create a clear and effective digital policy framework that aligns with the ANND's mission, values, and operational needs while ensuring compliance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements.


Proposed outline for the policy

The consultant will be responsible for crafting a detailed digital policy framework for ANND. This framework will include sections on acceptable use of digital resources, data management and privacy, cybersecurity, social media usage, email usage, BYOD (if applicable), training and awareness, compliance, incident response, monitoring, and enforcement, among others. The policy will serve as a comprehensive guide for employees and stakeholders regarding digital best practices within the organization.


Duties and responsibilities

The consultant will be tasked with conducting a thorough assessment of the ANND's digital landscape, including current policies, practices, and needs. They will collaborate with key stakeholders to gather insights and ensure alignment with organizational goals, namely, the communications department, the programs department and the finance department. Subsequently, the consultant will draft, refine, and present the digital policy for review and approval by ANND’s senior management.


Deliverables and Time Frame 

The consultant is expected to deliver the following key milestones within the agreed timeframe:

Inception Report: Within 1 week of contract commencement, the consultant will submit an inception report outlining the approach, timeline, and resource requirements.

Draft Digital Policy: Within 3 weeks, the consultant will provide a draft digital policy for review and feedback.

Final Digital Policy: Within 3 weeks, the consultant will incorporate feedback and produce the final digital policy document.

Presentation and Training: The consultant will conduct a presentation of the policy and provide training to relevant staff as required.


Required Competencies and Experiences

The ideal candidate for this consultancy should possess the following competencies and experiences:

Proven expertise in developing digital policies, preferably for non-governmental organizations or similar entities.

In-depth knowledge of digital security, data privacy, and compliance standards.

Strong analytical and communication skills to effectively gather information and convey complex concepts to diverse stakeholders.

Familiarity with relevant legal and regulatory frameworks pertaining to digital operations.

Experience in conducting digital risk assessments and incident response planning.

Ability to work collaboratively with ANND staff and leadership to ensure policy alignment with organizational goals.


Time schedule 

The consultant is expected to handle responsibilities starting October 15, 2023 and to abide by the time frame mentioned in the section “Deliverables and Time Frame”. Expected date of delivering all outputs is December 15, 2023.


Logistical support  

Communications department

Programs department

Finance department

Recruitment Timeline: 

From September 18, 2023 till October 10, 2023.


Consultancy fees

1,500 - 2,000 US$


Contract Type  

Consultancy Contract.


Offer requirements 

Cover letter explaining similar experience and a description of the approach, methodology and modalities for implementing above mentioned deliverables and outcomes. Including a sample of similar assignments completed if possible is a plus.  


Signed ANND Code of Conduct for Suppliers (Appendix 1) 


Mode of Application

The proposal shall be submitted on this link before October 1, 2023. Kindly, note that all documents shall be submitted in 1 joint single pdf document.



Daleel Madani, the civil society network, serves as a platform for organisations to post their professional opportunities, but is not involved in the recruitment process. The hiring organisation is solely responsible for the job and candidate selection.

Last modified: 
19 Sep, 2023
Intervention Sector(s):
Communications & Media
Application Deadline:
Sunday, 1 October 2023
Contract Type:
Period of Employment:
2 Months
Salary Range:
1500 to 2000 (USD)
Education Degree:
Bachelor Degree
Education Degree Details:
Experience Requirements:
2 to 3 years
Arabic Language:
English Language:
French Language:
  • Lebanon